Lyrics by URTZ

Do you love URTZ's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to URTZ's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

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  1. Kaixo!
  2. Eutsi
  3. Negua datorrenean
  4. Aingeru
  5. Aitzakia
  6. Aurkitu zaitzaket
  7. Azken eguna
  8. Bai ala ez
  9. Barne-barnean
  10. Bart amets egin nuen
  11. Bazen garaia
  12. Besoetan hartu
  13. Beti
  14. Bizitzarekin dantzan
  15. Boulevardeko Erlojua
  16. Esaidazu
  17. Ez diren gauzak
  18. Ez gaitu inork geldituko
  19. Ez haiz ezer
  20. Ezin burua makurtu
  21. Ganorabakoa
  22. Gau ilun
  23. Gauak Badu Xarma
  24. Goizaldetik gaualdera
  25. Hain urrun
  26. Hautsa astinduz
  27. Hemen naukazu
  28. Hiri gris honetatik
  29. Ihes
  30. Ilargipeko aitorpenak
  31. Iragana hil baino lehen
  32. Irri bat
  33. Itzalak ez nau hartuko
  34. Itzalak hartuko al nau?
  35. Joana
  36. Judasen azpijokoa
  37. Kram
  38. Maiatzak 10
  39. Maite Dut
  40. Mon amour
  41. Nahi nuke
  42. Oh lur
  43. Olatu bi
  44. Olibas (15-VIII)
  45. Oraindik ez
  46. Paradisua
  47. Sugeen dantza
  48. Urtz
  49. Xoxoak beleari ipurbeltz
  50. Zelatan
  51. Zergatik zaude isilik?
  52. Zu nigan eta ni zugan

You might not be a big fan of URTZ, maybe you're here for just one song by URTZ that you like, but take a look at the rest, they might surprise you.

To discover the patterns in URTZ's songs, you just have to read their lyrics carefully, paying attention not just to what they say, but how they are constructed.

If you've found the URTZ song you like on this list, share it with your loved ones.