Lyrics by Tuxedo

Do you see the song you like in this list of Tuxedo's songs?

  1. Do It
  2. Doin' My Best
  3. OMW (feat. Leven Kali & Battlecat)
  4. On a Good One
  5. So Good
  6. 2nd Time Around
  7. Back In Town
  8. Close (Feat. Gavin Turek)
  9. Dreaming In The Daytime (feat. Mf Doom)
  10. Extra Texture (Feat. DāM-FunK)
  11. Fux With The Tux
  12. Holiday Love
  13. I Got U
  14. If U Want It
  15. July
  16. Livin’ 4 Your Lovin’
  17. Number One
  18. Roll Along
  19. Rotational
  20. Scooter’s Groove
  21. Shine
  22. Shine (feat. Gavin Turek)
  23. Shy (feat. Zapp)
  24. Special
  25. Take a Picture
  26. The right time
  27. The Tuxedo Way
  28. Toast 2 Us (feat. Benny Sings)
  29. Two Wrongs
  30. U Like It
  31. Vibrations (Feat. Parisalexa)
  32. What The Dance
  33. Without Your Love
  34. You & Me

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