Lyrics by Turlough O'Carolan

We have compiled all the lyrics of Turlough O'Carolan's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Turlough O'Carolan, find them all in one place.

  1. Planxty Irwin
  2. Ocarolans Concerto Mrs Power
  3. Petite Suite Irlandaise

Turlough O'Carolan (Irish: Toirdhealbhach Ó Cearbhalláin [ˈt̪ˠɾˠeːl̪ˠəx oː ˈcaɾˠwəl̪ˠaːnʲ, - ˈcaɾˠuːl̪ˠaːnʲ]; 1670 – 25 March 1738) was a blind Celtic harper, composer and singer in Ireland whose great fame is due to his gift for melodic composition. Although not a composer in the classical sense, Carolan is considered by some to be Ireland's national composer. Harpers in the old Irish tradition were still living as late as 1792, and ten, including Arthur O'Neill, Patrick Quin and Donnchadh Ó hÁmsaigh, attended the Belfast Harp Festival. Ó hÁmsaigh played some of Carolan's music, but disliked it for being too modern. Some of Carolan's own compositions show influences of the style of continental classical music, whereas others such as Farewell to Music reflect a much older style of "Gaelic Harping".

You might not be a big fan of Turlough O'Carolan, maybe you're here for just one song by Turlough O'Carolan that you like, but take a look at the rest, they might surprise you.

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