Lyrics by Torfrock

Do you love Torfrock's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Torfrock's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

We have compiled all the lyrics of Torfrock's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Torfrock, find them all in one place.

  1. Ex und Hopp am Bratwurstshop
  2. Leise pieselt das Reh
  3. Rockerfee
  4. Rum Buddel Rum
  5. Schrauben drehn, Muddern drehn
  6. Adus Auto-Kräsch
  7. Bagaluten-band
  8. Beinhart
  9. Bodo Der Spanner
  10. Bonifatius machte die Taufe wahr
  11. Böse Falle
  12. Butterfahrt
  13. Coladose
  14. Danach
  15. Das muss Kesseln
  16. Der Boxer
  17. Die Butterfahrt
  18. Die Sonntagsjäger
  19. Dünenbodo
  20. Einichkeit un Blech un Freizeit
  21. Feste
  22. Fischmarkt
  23. Freie Bahn mit Marzipan
  24. Gammeln auf Strand
  25. Halbnackig
  26. Halt An Dich, Dieter!
  27. He, Jo
  28. Helmut Und Bruno
  29. Hildegard Die Spinne
  30. Ich bin blau
  31. Ich bin ein Mann
  32. Ich liebe meinen Bus
  33. Jedes Jahr immer nur Planken
  34. Jörg von Butterwerk
  35. Kettenhemd (chopperhead Road)
  36. Kolbenfresser
  37. Komasong
  38. Liebeslied
  39. Lotto (Mein Geld und Ich)
  40. Lücke Im Gebiß
  41. Mein Gott, Bist Du Begabt
  42. Meine Oma Hat Wieder´n Anderen
  43. N Lüttn Du
  44. Nervös
  45. Nie wieder Dun
  46. Ob Dach Oder Los
  47. Petri Heil
  48. Preßlufthammer-b-b-bernhard
  49. Pump Ab Das Bier
  50. Rock´n Roll Ruine
  51. Rollo der Wikinger
  52. Rollo`s Wampe
  53. Rollos Taufe
  54. Rut mit´n Torf
  55. Schnee Von Gestern
  56. So ein Wikingerhelm
  57. Sommertiedblues
  58. Sonntags in unsre gemeinde
  59. Sonntagsjäger
  60. Spruch:Jochen Kurzschluss
  61. Tarzan Vom Teer
  62. Torfmoorholmer Folklore
  63. Trunkenbold
  64. Tschüß Kuddl Köm
  65. Ufos Über Torfmoorholm
  66. Volle Granate, Renate
  67. Walfang
  68. Watt ?
  69. Welt Von O
  70. Wikinger-beerdigung
  71. Wildsau (wild Thing)
  72. Wir Unterkellern Schleswig-holstein

Torfrock (German pronunciation: [ˈtɔʁfʁɔk], lit. "Peat Rock") is a German rock group founded by Klaus Büchner and Raymond Voß in 1976. Guitarist Jürgen Lugge from Hamburg played lead guitar until his unexpected death in 1999. With their Northern German identity, they are notable for keeping alive the native Low German language in their lyrics. With many of their songs being Low-German covers of Anglo-American standards, their music style ranges from R'n'B to blues rock and folk rock. Their humorous to surreal song lyrics mostly deal either with 10th-century Viking Rollo (in an interpretation obviously strongly reminiscent of Dik Browne's Hägar the Horrible rather than the actual historical person) situated in Hedeby instead of Skandinavia in their songs, or life in the modern-day fictional Schleswig-Holstein rural village of Torfmoorholm (lit. "Peatbogville"). Beside being a trademark of modern-day Northern German culture, the band is closely associated with another Northern German icon, the Werner comics and movie franchise created by comic artist Rötger Feldmann (aka Brösel), not only because the band wrote the original soundtrack to the first Werner movie and partly to its sequels, but also because Torfrock singer Büchner voices character Werner in the movies. Also, Torfrock guitarist and singer Voss voices the Präsi Dieter, the choleric, yet likewise good hearted leader of a biker gang Werner is a member of. The title song Beinhart topped the charts in Germany and also entered the Top 20 in Austria and Switzerland. This was their first song to include a guitar solo from Jürgen Lugge. He was only booked as a studio musician besides Klaus Büchner (vocals), Raymond Voß (electric rhythm guitar), Uwe Meitzner (electric bass guitar) and Gunnar "Gustl" Kämmer (drums), but, in Voß' own words, the band saw it as disrespectul to go on tour, play the song and then "have nothing at all for 20 bars". So Lugge became a band member. However, he suddenly died from a stroke in 1999. The band decided not to replace him, instead Voß took over the guitar solos too (which Volker Schmidt also did when he was forced to replace Voß from 2018 onwards). Klaus Büchner and Raymond Voß both provide vocals. Voß also is the guitarist (both six and twelve stringed) and plays banjo; Büchner - who is left handed - plays harmonica and bass flute. 2023 Voß was forced to retire due to heart problems, and bass guitarist Volker Schmidt took his place. Schmidt on the other hand was replaced by Sven Berger.

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