Lyrics by Supercombo

Do you love Supercombo's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Supercombo's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

We have compiled all the lyrics of Supercombo's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Supercombo, find them all in one place.

  1. Amianto
  2. Piloto Automático
  3. Surrendo (part. Far From Alaska)
  4. Todo Dia É Dia de Comemorar
  5. Anestesia
  6. Aos Poucos
  7. Bonsai
  8. Dropo o Mundo
  9. Eu Poderia
  10. Eutanásia
  11. Soldadinho
  12. 2 e 1
  13. A Baleia e o Lambari
  14. À Deriva
  15. A Piscina e o Karma
  16. À Primeira Vista
  17. Abraço (Medulla)
  18. Autonomia
  19. Battlefield
  20. Berço
  21. Bomba Relógio
  22. Café Amargo
  23. Campo de Força
  24. Cassino
  25. Cebolas
  26. Cela
  27. Cela
  28. Chuva de Granito
  29. Como São As Coisas
  30. Desabafo
  31. Diga Obrigado (part. Gabriel Elias)
  32. Distraído
  33. Dois Na Estrada
  34. Ela
  35. Embrulho
  36. Esqueletos Na Areia
  37. Estrela do Mar
  38. Eu Prefiro Assim
  39. Eu Te Avisei
  40. Farol
  41. Faz Parte
  42. Fim do Mundo
  43. Fundo do Mar
  44. Grão de Areia (part. Gustavo Bertoni)
  45. Gravidade
  46. Guarda-Chuva
  47. HeartBrake City
  48. Ímã
  49. Infame (part. kamaitachi)
  50. Intervenção
  51. Jovem
  52. Labirintite
  53. Lentes
  54. Lentes (part. Negra Li)
  55. Lost In Stereo
  56. Magaiver (part. Raoni e Keops)
  57. Mal-dito
  58. Maremotos
  59. Matagal
  60. Memorial
  61. Menina Largata
  62. Menino
  63. Meu Colorista
  64. Monstros (part. Mauro Henrique)
  65. Morar
  66. Mulher da Vida
  67. Não Dá Certo
  68. Nós Somos Reais
  69. O Calculista
  70. O Guerreiro e a Selva
  71. O Peso da Cruz
  72. O Pneu e a Lombada
  73. Oculto
  74. Parafuso a Menos
  75. Pólen (part. Tuyo)
  76. Por Essa Eu Não Esperava
  77. Refrões
  78. Remédios
  79. Robozin
  80. Rogério
  81. Saco Cheio
  82. Saudade
  83. Saudade (versão 2020)
  84. Se Eu Quiser
  85. Sem Sal
  86. Semana Que Vem
  87. Senso
  88. Sol da Manhã
  89. Soldier
  90. Sorte e Azar
  91. Tarde Demais (part. Vitor Kley)
  92. Trans Aparecer (Part. Scalene)
  93. Vê Se Não Morre
  94. Vou Assombrar Seus Amigos e Parentes
  95. Wallace
  96. Xepa Das Estrelas
  97. Xepa Das Estrelas
  98. Tempo de Tela

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of Supercombo's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

To discover the patterns in Supercombo's songs, you just have to read their lyrics carefully, paying attention not just to what they say, but how they are constructed.

Analyzing the lyrics of Supercombo's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.

We hope you like these lyrics of Supercombo's songs, and that you find them useful.

As always, we try to keep improving and growing, so if you haven't found the lyrics of Supercombo's songs you were looking for, come back soon, as we frequently update our databases to offer all the songs by Supercombo and many other artists as quickly as possible.