Lyrics by StorySide:B

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  1. All Along
  2. Be Still
  3. Breathe
  4. Dance To Me
  5. Demons and Angels
  6. Don't Let It Go
  7. Everything And More
  8. Fall Down
  9. For You
  10. Hold Me Down
  11. In Your Eyes
  12. It's Not Over
  13. Miracle
  14. More To This Life
  15. Off The Ground
  16. Send Me A Sign
  17. Tell me what you think of God
  18. That is Love
  19. You're Not Alone

StorySide:B was an American Christian rock band signed to Gotee Records. It was headed by guitarist and vocalist Lucio "Lu" Rubino. Rubino and drummer Jordan Mohilowski took first place in the band division of the 2003 "Exalting Him" talent contest, which aired on TBN. They went on to form a band with bassist and pianist Ron McClelland, with Matt Lande and Preston Pohl both on guitars. While they were playing their music for different labels, Gotee president Joey Elwood heard them play an acoustic set. A month later, they met Gotee founder tobyMac after one of his shows and played some music for him on his bus; they were signed soon afterwards. Μatt Lande later left the group and moved to Los Angeles to pursue his new project as lead vocalist for the group "Heaven Is Where". On January 18, 2009, bassist Ron McClelland collapsed and died from an undiagnosed heart condition while playing basketball on the upper deck of the Carnival cruise ship Fascination. No members of his band were with him at the time of his death. In the wake of the event, the remaining members dissolved the band. Lead vocalist Lucio Rubino stated in his MySpace blog that although the band has parted ways, he will continue to play StorySide:B songs while touring with Manic Drive. Preston Pohl appeared on the NBC show The Voice on September 30, 2013, impressing three of the judges. He eventually chose Adam Levine as his coach and made it to the live rounds. He did not win the contest.

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of StorySide:B's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

To discover the patterns in StorySide:B's songs, you just have to read their lyrics carefully, paying attention not just to what they say, but how they are constructed.

Analyzing the lyrics of StorySide:B's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.

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