Find here the lyrics to your favorite songs by My Little Pony.
Do you see the song you like in this list of My Little Pony's songs?
- Smile Song
- This Day Aria
- Batalla de Las Bandas
- Under Our Spell
- Unleash The Magic
- Mi Día Perfecto
- Bienvenido Al Show / Canción de Sunset Shimmer y Las Rainbooms
- Canción de La Cafetería
- Welcome To The Show
- Battle Of The Bands
- Acadeca
- Cafeteria Song
- Friendship Is Magic
- Gipsy Bard
- Lullaby For a Princess
- Equestria Girls (Música da Lanchonete)
- Opening Title
- The Midnight in Me
- The Moon Rises
- We Will Stand For Everfree
- Awesome As I Wanna Be
- Batalha Musical
- Flawless
- Legend Of Everfree (Main Title)
- Let It Rain
- Open Up Your Eyes
- Vivendo Em Cores
- Ya Nació El Amor
- All Good
- Bem-vindos Ao Show
- Can You Feel It?
- Como o Arco-íris
- Dance Magic
- Dia Perfeito Para Diversão
- Fit Right In (G4)
- Fit Right In (G5)
- Five To Nine
- Rainbow Rocks (Opening)
- Sorrir
- The Friendship Games
- This Is Our Big Night
- We Got This Together
- What More is Out There?
- A Essência do Seu Amor
- A Lenda de Everfree
- A Magia da Essência
- Ajudar Twilight Sparkle
- Amigas Não Vão Se Separar
- Amizade Através Das Idades
- As Sombras Em Mim
- Babs Seed
- Balada de Celestia
- Bats
- Brilha a Esperança
- Can I Do It On My Own
- Chegou a Grande Noite
- CHS Rally Song
- Embrace the Magic
- Equestria Girls Song (Swedish)
- Feed Me With Your Heart
- Fight Song
- For My True Love
- Friendship Through the Ages
- Hey, Let's Play! (No, Let's Go!)
- I Just Can’t Wait for Wishentine’s Day
- I'll Chase The Sky
- It All Takes Time
- Joyous Wishentine
- La Leyenda Que Hay Dentro de Ti
- Mane Family
- My Past Is Not Today
- No Hay Que Cavar
- Rainbow
- Ria do Fantasma
- Right There in Front of Me
- Shine Like Rainbows
- The Magic of Friendship Grows
- The Midnight in Me(French)
- The Other Side
- The Place Where We Belong
- The Pony I Want To Be
- Time To Come Together
- True Original
- Um Amigo
- Un Gran Día Es Hoy
- Up
- Vai Se Encaixar
- Vamos Deixar Nossa Marca
- Viva o Amor
- Você Deve Olhar
- With Each Other
- A Amizade Afinal
- A Changeling Can Change
- A Escuridão Em Mim
- A Friend For Life
- A Lenda Que Nasceu Pra Ser
- A Pônei Que Eu Quero Ser
- A Segunda É Ruim
- ACADECA (versão em português)
- Aceite a Magia
- Acepta Tu Magia
- Amigos Vão Te Apoiar
- Babysitting
- Battle For Sugar Belle
- Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know)
- Better Than Ever
- Canção do Espírito de Cantelot
- Chegou, Princesa Twilight Sparkle
- Derby Races
- É o Que a Minha Bela Marca Quer Dizer
- Encontrando o Caminho
- Equestria Girls (Música de Abertura)
- Equestria, Terra do Amor
- Estaba En Frente a Mí
- Estava Em Frente a Mim
- Este Dia Ária
- Eu, Você à Brilhar
- Ficando Popular
- Find a Way
- Find The Magic
- Friends Are Always There For You
- Há Mais Lá Fora
- Här Är Vår Konsert
- Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again
- Hearts Strong As Horses
- Hoje Vai Ser o Meu Dia
- Hora de Ser Incrível
- I.M.A.P.S.
- I'll Be Around
- I'm The Friend You Need
- Imagining Is Fun
- Infalíveis
- Invisible Soy
- Invisível
- Já Chegou Equestria Girls
- Laughter Song
- Let The Rainbow Remind You
- Life Is a Runway
- Love Is In Bloom (Extended Version)
- Lutar Por Everfree
- Magia da Dança
- Make a Wish
- Midnight Lament
- Monday blues
- Muito Mais Para Mim
- My Little Pony Intro (Italian)
- Neighsayer
- No Better Feelin'
- O Caminho É Só Seu
- O Melhor Pônei Temos Que Achar
- O Meu Passado Não É Hoje
- Off To See The World
- One Small Thing
- Out Of My Own
- Quero Mesmo é Arrasar
- Run to Break Free
- Say Goodbye To The Holiday
- Shake Your Tails
- Sinta a Música Em Você
- Smile (Tradução)
- So Much More To Me
- Sou Seu Amigo Aqui
- Sou Sua Proteção
- Sun Of The Night
- Sweetest Time Of The Year
- Talvez Eu Deva Aceitar
- Tchau Inverno
- Thank You For Being a Friend
- The Ballad Of The Crystal Empire
- The Big Brother Ponies
- The Light Of Your Cutie Mark
- The Magic Inside
- Time To Be Awesome
- To Grandmare's House We Go
- Tricks Up My Sleeve
- Turba Em Turbilhão
- Unidas Tudo É Possível
- Vem Dançar
- Você Reinará
- Vou Voar
- Winter Wrap Up
- You'll Play Your Part
- Opaline
- Ain'T Gonna Wait
- Don't Lose Your Groove
- A Little Bit of You
- Pony Life Theme Song
- ¡A Bailar!
My Little Pony (MLP) is a toy line and media franchise developed by American toy company Hasbro. The first toys were developed by Bonnie Zacherle, Charles Muenchinger, and Steve D'Aguanno, and were produced in 1981. The ponies feature colorful bodies, manes and a unique symbol on one or both sides of their flanks. Such symbols are referred to in the three most recent incarnations as "cutie marks". My Little Pony has been revamped several times with new and more modern looks to continue its appeal to the market, with each new look called a "generation" by the show's collectors and fans. The franchise is mainly targeted at young girls, although in the 2010s, it gained a cult following by an unintended audience of adult, mostly male fans.
Following the original My Pretty Pony toy that was introduced in 1981, My Little Pony was launched in 1982 and the line became popular during the 1980s. The original toy line ran from 1982 to 1992 in the United States and to 1995 globally, and two animated specials, an animated feature-length film and two animated television series produced during the period up until 1992. The first incarnation's popularity peaked in 1990, but the following year Hasbro decided to discontinue the toy line due to increased competition. One hundred fifty million ponies were sold in the 1980s.
The toy line was revived in 1997, but these toys proved unpopular and were discontinued in 1999. The brand saw a more popular revival in 2003 with toys that more closely resembled the original toy line, which sold approximately 100 million pony toys globally by 2010. Hasbro launched the fourth incarnation of the franchise in 2010, which started with the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, which ended on October 12, 2019. The brand grossed over $650 million in retail sales in 2013, and over $1 billion annually in retail sales in 2014 and 2015. Hasbro launched a fifth generation of toys and associated media starting September 24, 2021.
We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of My Little Pony's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.
Analyzing the lyrics of My Little Pony's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.
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