Lyrics by Massaru

We have compiled all the lyrics of Massaru's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Massaru, find them all in one place.

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  1. Amaterasu
  2. 2K20
  3. Açaí
  4. Aham
  5. Aham (part. EF)
  6. Asura
  7. Bijudama 2 (part. Pavao)
  8. Bimenoto (part. E.F)
  9. Bone da lala
  10. Bong
  11. Chidori
  12. Cinderela
  13. Conjuntivite
  14. Cyclone
  15. Diamante
  16. Do Corre
  17. Envolvido
  18. Forte
  19. HAHA
  20. Hinoto
  21. Hornet
  22. Hype No Jutsu 4 (part. Luckaos)
  23. In Decisão
  24. Itachi San
  25. Jelly
  26. JOTA
  27. Kai
  28. Konan
  29. Lotús (part. Luckhaos)
  30. M
  31. Malandro Chique
  32. Marcha
  33. Marcha 2 (part. Igão)
  34. Mia Khalifa
  35. Miojin (part. Wacce)
  36. Moda
  37. Moda 2
  38. Moda 3 (part. EF)
  39. Nata
  40. NOIS (part. Mc Igu)
  41. Penny
  42. Pente 30
  43. Pop (part. Yunk Vino)
  44. Presença Vip
  45. Prince
  46. Sakura Chan
  47. Shake Fresstyle
  48. Shi
  49. Shuriken
  50. SUFBOY?
  51. Talismã
  52. Town&Country
  53. Umbrella
  54. ETERNA (part. R10, MC Hariel e MC Lele JP)
  55. Jogo de Azar
  56. Sesc (part. Cloudsnobeat)
  57. Cassino (part. Yung Lince)
  58. Interludio (part. O Adotado)
  59. The Box Medley 3 (part. FLACKO, PL Quest e Duzz)

The lyrics of Massaru's songs often follow certain patterns that you can discover if you pay close attention. Are you up for finding out what they are?

We hope you like these lyrics of Massaru's songs, and that you find them useful.

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Sometimes Massaru's songs help us express what we think or feel. Is that the case for you?