Lyrics by Mário Lúcio

Do you love Mário Lúcio's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Mário Lúcio's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

We have compiled all the lyrics of Mário Lúcio's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Mário Lúcio, find them all in one place.

Find here the lyrics to your favorite songs by Mário Lúcio.

  1. Confissão
  2. Cansado de Física
  3. Toma-m, Leba-m
  4. Tabanka de Tchom Bom
  5. Meu Coração Não Desiste
  6. Eat Me (Ruínas)
  7. Cutelo Baxo
  8. Who Cap the Fit (Kem Ki Karapuça Sirbi)
  9. Stela
  10. Santo Amado
  11. Confisson
  12. Vida
  13. Scodja
  14. Pintón
  15. Petit Son (part. Pablo Milanés)
  16. Mar e Luz (Encontra-u)
  17. Hora de Andorinha (part. Teresa Salgueiro e Pedro Joia)
  18. Funanight
  19. Diogo e Cabral
  20. Deus Graça
  21. Bu Juiz Bu Oredja
  22. Reza
  23. Nhu Ariki
  24. Na Capella
  25. Homo Sabis
  26. DNA
  27. Simples Sample
  28. Sentimento
  29. Mãe Mother (part. Toumani Diabaté)
  30. Herança
  31. Come Black (part. Gorée Afro Djembé)
  32. Tabankabé
  33. Pretty Down
  34. Tema de Minis (Funaná)
  35. Dodu
  36. Maremar
  37. Pomba
  38. Maria Na Spedju
  39. M'Afrika (part. Awa Sangho)
  40. Mindelo
  41. Vulcãozinho
  42. Um Mar de Mar
  43. Amar Elo (Aflor)
  44. Finaçon di Djusé ku Djoana (part. Mayra Andrade)
  45. Corre Xintidu
  46. Cantiga Pa Pedra
  47. Kreol
  48. Nandinha
  49. Goré
  50. Alter
  51. Santa Catarina Hossana
  52. Palavra
  53. Ilha de Santiago
  54. Mar di Tarrafal (part. Milton Nascimento)
  55. Caoberdiano Barela
  56. Mar Azul (part. Cesária Évora)
  57. Nha Mudjer (part. Gilberto Gil)
  58. Amizade

Mário Lúcio Sousa (born October 21, 1964) is a Capeverdean singer, composer, writer, politician and a painter. From 2011 to 2016, he was the Capeverdean Minister of Culture.

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of Mário Lúcio's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

To discover the patterns in Mário Lúcio's songs, you just have to read their lyrics carefully, paying attention not just to what they say, but how they are constructed.

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Sometimes Mário Lúcio's songs help us express what we think or feel. Is that the case for you?