Lyrics by Mariana Aydar

Do you love Mariana Aydar's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Mariana Aydar's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

We have compiled all the lyrics of Mariana Aydar's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Mariana Aydar, find them all in one place.

Find here the lyrics to your favorite songs by Mariana Aydar.

Do you see the song you like in this list of Mariana Aydar's songs?

  1. Te Faço Um Cafuné
  2. Espumas ao Vento
  3. Candomblé
  4. Onde está você
  5. Preciso do Seu Sorriso
  6. Zé Do Caroço
  7. O Futuro Já Sabia (part. Chico César)
  8. O Homem da Perna de Pau
  9. Tá?
  10. A Deusa dos Orixás
  11. Alice
  12. Amigos Bons
  13. Aqui em casa
  14. Araçá Azul
  15. Banana Bacana
  16. Bandas de lá
  17. Beleza
  18. Beleza Pura
  19. Canto Das Três Raças
  20. Cavaleiro Selvagem
  21. Condução
  22. Deixa o verão
  23. Desesperar Jamais
  24. Feira de Mangaio
  25. Festança
  26. Floresta
  27. Florindo
  28. Foguete
  29. Força Estranha
  30. Galope Rasante
  31. Ilu Ayê Terra da Vida
  32. Isso Pode
  33. Jurubeba
  34. Lá Vem a Menina
  35. Maior é Deus
  36. Mamãe Papai
  37. Manhã Azul
  38. Mascarada
  39. Melhor Sozinha (part. Fejuca)
  40. Menino Das Laranjas
  41. Minha Missão
  42. Na Gangorra
  43. Nada disso é pra você
  44. Não Foi Em Vão
  45. Nine Out Of Ten
  46. O Samba Me Persegue
  47. Os Passionais
  48. Palavras Não Falam
  49. Para Dominguinhos
  50. Pedaço Duma Asa
  51. Peixes
  52. Poderoso Rei
  53. Poeira
  54. Portela Na Avenida
  55. Porto
  56. Prainha
  57. Pras Bandas de Lá
  58. Saiba Ficar Quieto
  59. Samba da Brisa
  60. Samba Triste
  61. Solitude
  62. Teu amor é falso
  63. Tomara (part. Fejuca)
  64. Tudo o Que Trago No Bolso
  65. Um Só
  66. Vai Vadiar
  67. Vatapá
  68. Vendedor de Bananas
  69. Venha Ver
  70. Vento No Canavial
  71. Vinheta da Alegria

Mariana Aydar is a Brazilian singer of MPB (Brazilian popular music).

You might not be a big fan of Mariana Aydar, maybe you're here for just one song by Mariana Aydar that you like, but take a look at the rest, they might surprise you.

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of Mariana Aydar's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

It often happens that when you like a song by a specific group or artist, you like other songs of theirs too. So if you like a song by Mariana Aydar, you'll probably like many other songs by Mariana Aydar.

We hope you like these lyrics of Mariana Aydar's songs, and that you find them useful.

As always, we try to keep improving and growing, so if you haven't found the lyrics of Mariana Aydar's songs you were looking for, come back soon, as we frequently update our databases to offer all the songs by Mariana Aydar and many other artists as quickly as possible.