Lyrics by Lisa Gerrard

We have compiled all the lyrics of Lisa Gerrard's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Lisa Gerrard, find them all in one place.

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  1. Honor Him (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  2. Now We Are Free
  3. The Human Game
  4. Hymns Of A Promised Land
  5. Man On Fire
  6. The Secret Language Of Angels
  7. 2:22
  8. 2:23
  9. 38 Weeks
  10. A Drop Of Water
  11. A Haunting Photo
  12. A Healer's Life (feat. Jeff Rona)
  13. A Higher Purpose
  14. A Kingdom Now Forgotten
  15. A Near Miss
  16. A Proper Christmas Dinner
  17. A Realm Reborn
  18. A Tale of Tails
  19. A Thousand Roads (feat. Jeff Rona)
  20. A World Without End
  21. Abscond
  22. Abwoon
  23. Adagio (feat. Pieter Bourke)
  24. Addagio For a Broken Promise
  25. Adrift
  26. Adventure Untold
  27. After Everything
  28. Aldavyeem (A Time To Dance)
  29. All Along The Watchtower
  30. All That Remains (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  31. All Things Impermanent
  32. All Your Relatives (feat. Jeff Rona)
  33. Am I Not Merciful? (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  34. Am I Not Worthy
  35. Amergin's Invocation
  36. America
  37. An Emptiness In Me
  38. An Hini A Garan
  39. Ancestors
  40. Apartment #32
  41. Aria
  42. Armira
  43. Arriving At The Village
  44. Arriving At The Winery
  45. Asena
  46. Australia
  47. Awakenings (feat. HAVASI)
  48. Back In Time
  49. Balaraat (Meeting Place)
  50. Bali Girls
  51. Baloon Ride
  52. Bangladesh
  53. Banki
  54. Barbarian Horde (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  55. Bare Island (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  56. Barrel Room
  57. Bath
  58. Bazylika NSJ
  59. Become
  60. Bedtime Story
  61. Beyond Burrow
  62. Biking Home
  63. Birth
  64. Bishop Meets Dan
  65. Black Attack (feat. Pieter Bourke)
  66. Black Forest
  67. Black Stream
  68. Blackheart
  69. Blinded
  70. Blood Framed Hell (feat. Christopher Young)
  71. Bloody Pirates
  72. Bowed, Unbroken
  73. Broken
  74. Brothel
  75. Busy Little Bee
  76. Bylar
  77. Call Of The Steppes - Part I
  78. Call Of The Steppes - Part II
  79. Call Of The Steppes - Part III
  80. Can I Help You? (feat. James Orr)
  81. Cantara
  82. Canyons of Manhattan (feat. Jeff Rona)
  83. Cattails (feat. Marcello De Francisci)
  84. Cebu (feat. Michael Stearns & Marcello de Francisci)
  85. Centerfold (feat. Dead Can Dance)
  86. Change Of Plan (feat. James Orr)
  87. Charge 360
  88. Childhood Reflections
  89. Christmas Is Cancelled (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  90. Circular (feat. Klaus Schulze)
  91. Cleaning Out The Rubbish At Bindoon
  92. Come Quietly
  93. Come Tenderness
  94. Come This Way
  95. Coming Home
  96. Coming To Barrow (feat. Jeff Rona)
  97. Confession (feat. Dominik Wania)
  98. Converting The Priest (feat. Christopher Gordon)
  99. Cor Nobilis - The Gentle Ones (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  100. Could Be Just Coincidence
  101. Courage
  102. Courthouse Run
  103. Crash Aftermath
  104. Creation Choral
  105. Crow, Bishop Gang (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  106. Dagger & Rose
  107. Dan & Jane Flee Town (feat. Marcello De Francisci)
  108. Dan on the Ridge
  109. Dan Watches Jane
  110. Daniel Prays
  111. Dawn Across The Snow
  112. Dawn Of The Truth (feat. Pieter Bourke)
  113. Dawn's Sunset
  114. Death Beckons
  115. Death Smiles At All Of Us
  116. Departum
  117. Desert Song
  118. Deshta (Forever)
  119. Det. Rafferty Blues
  120. Devota
  121. Devotion
  122. Diary For The Fallen
  123. Disappointed
  124. Do So Yol (Gather The Wind)
  125. Do You Still Talk To Her?
  126. Dream Sequence
  127. Dream Song
  128. Drive To The Warehouse
  129. Dubai
  130. Duduk Of The North
  131. Dump / Igen (feat. Marcello de Francisci & Michael Stearns)
  132. Earth
  133. Earth & Sky
  134. Elegy
  135. Elevator Music
  136. Elysium
  137. Empty Water
  138. End Titles
  139. Endless Tragedy
  140. Enemy Territory
  141. Entry
  142. Estelita
  143. Ever After
  144. Ex Nihilo - Out Of Nothingness
  145. Exile
  146. Eyes Meet
  147. Faith (feat. Pieter Bourke)
  148. Family Life
  149. Fanfare For A Resurrected Priestess
  150. Far From Home
  151. Figurines
  152. Final Battle
  153. Fire & Fang
  154. First Love
  155. Fitchum
  156. Food Chain (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  157. Forgotten Language
  158. Founders' Respite
  159. Free In Spirit
  160. Garrote
  161. Geisha
  162. Go Forward
  163. Godspell
  164. Good Morning Indian Country
  165. Goodnight
  166. Gortoz A Ran
  167. Hairspray
  168. Ham Falls (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  169. Ham Wants Jane (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  170. Haurvatat (feat. Telekine)
  171. Have I Frightened You?
  172. Have That Or My Loyalty
  173. Hear Something? (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  174. Heleali (The Sea Will Rise)
  175. Here For You
  176. Hidden Garden
  177. Himalaya
  178. Hiraeth
  179. Hologram (feat. James Orr)
  180. Homecoming
  181. Hommage À Polska
  182. Hope
  183. I Am
  184. I Ask For Love
  185. I Can't Breathe (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  186. I Was Here And You Were Gone
  187. I Will Never Forgive (feat. Michael Edwards)
  188. I'll Rip You Apart
  189. I'm Alone On This
  190. Ichi's Lantern (feat. Michael Edwards)
  191. Ichi's Memory (feat. Michael Edwards)
  192. Iguazu
  193. Illuminate (feat. Stefano Guzzetti)
  194. Immortal Memory
  195. Impermanence
  196. In Control (feat. James Orr)
  197. In Darkness
  198. In Exile
  199. In Loving Memory
  200. In Search Of Lost Innocence
  201. In The Beginning Was The Word
  202. Indus
  203. Industry (feat. Jesse Watt)
  204. Injection (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  205. Insight
  206. It Could've Been Worse (feat. James Orr)
  207. It's Been A Long Time
  208. It's Been In The Papers
  209. Jack Arrives
  210. Jane Goes West (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  211. Jane Meets Bishop (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  212. Jane Shot Vic Standoff (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  213. Jane's Story (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  214. Jerusalem (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  215. Johnny In The Dark
  216. Journey Across The Salt Plains
  217. Journey Away
  218. Journey To Bindoon
  219. Junky Fight
  220. Kampania Wrzesniowa (feat. Klaus Schulze)
  221. Karbala Finale (feat. Cezary Skubiszewski)
  222. Katie Safe (feat. Marcello De Francisci)
  223. Katrina
  224. Keson (Until My Strength Returns)
  225. Ladakh (feat. Michael Stearns)
  226. Lament (feat. Zbigniew Preisner)
  227. Largo
  228. LB In Montana
  229. Leaving For East Timor
  230. Let The Children Play (Bonus Track)
  231. Let The Rest Go (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  232. Let Yourself Out (feat. James Orr)
  233. Let's Go See Jane (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  234. Licht Und Schatten (feat. Klaus Schulze)
  235. Liquid Coincidence 1
  236. Liquid Coincidence 2
  237. Liquid Coincidence 3
  238. Liquid Coincidence 4
  239. Liquid Coincidence 5
  240. Liquid Coincidence 6
  241. Liquid Coincidence 7
  242. Liquid Moon (feat. Pieter Bourke)
  243. Lizzie Dies
  244. Loading Lesson
  245. Love Theme
  246. Love Transcends Time (feat. James Orr)
  247. Main Theme
  248. Manila (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  249. Mano a Mano (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  250. Maranatha (Come Lord)
  251. Margaret Arrives
  252. Marrakesh Marketplace
  253. Maximus (feat. Gavin Greenaway, The Lyndhurst Orchestra)
  254. Maya’s Dream
  255. Meet You At The Clock (feat. James Orr)
  256. Meltdown
  257. Millhurst Express (feat. James Orr)
  258. Mirror Medusa
  259. Mission School
  260. Modern Life (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  261. Monolith (feat. David Kuckhermann)
  262. Montage (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  263. Necklace
  264. Neptune
  265. Never One For Love
  266. Never Surrender (feat. Michael Edwards)
  267. Nightcap
  268. Nightmare (feat. Dominik Wania)
  269. No Witnesses
  270. Nocturne (feat. Dominik Wania)
  271. Not Really Sure
  272. Not Yet (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  273. Nothing Is Going To Happen To You
  274. Noyalain (Burn)
  275. Noyalain (Burn)
  276. O' King, O' Liege
  277. Ocean Lament
  278. Ocean Of Innocence (feat. Klaus Schulze)
  279. Of Love Undone
  280. Off To Melbourne
  281. On An Ocean
  282. Once Upon a Time In The West (feat. Michael Allen)
  283. One Perfect Sunrise
  284. Orenda (feat. David Kuckhermann)
  285. Organics
  286. Organics Excerpt
  287. Orion (The Weary Huntsman)
  288. Orleans (feat. Chicane)
  289. Our Kingdom Came
  290. Our Memories
  291. Out Of Control (feat. James Orr)
  292. Pagan
  293. Pai Calls The Whales
  294. Pai Theme
  295. Paikea Legend
  296. Paikea's Whale
  297. Palladino Montage
  298. Paradise Lost
  299. Patricide
  300. Patterns (feat. James Orr)
  301. Peace Be With You (feat. Lorne Balfe, Hans Zimmer)
  302. Please Don't Take Her
  303. Pride
  304. Progeny
  305. Promised King
  306. Psallit In Aure Dei
  307. Rachel Helps
  308. Rare and Special
  309. Rattlesnake (feat. David Kuckhermann)
  310. Read At Graves
  311. Red Horizon
  312. Redemption
  313. Reiputa
  314. Rejection
  315. Renunciation
  316. Resistance (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  317. Reunion
  318. Ride Of The Gargoyles
  319. Ring String
  320. Rise Up With Faith
  321. Rite Of Passage (feat. David Kuckhermann)
  322. River Dance
  323. River Of Plastic
  324. Roger Breaks Down
  325. Roger Confronts The Prisoner
  326. Roma's Lament
  327. Rome Is The Light
  328. Roots
  329. Rowing Warriors
  330. Rumble
  331. Ryomaden
  332. Sacred Journey
  333. Sacrifice
  334. Sagazan
  335. Sailing To Byzantium
  336. Salem's Lot Aria
  337. Salem's Lot Theme
  338. Sanvean (Live At The Mayfair Theater)
  339. Secret Business
  340. Secret Stealing
  341. Secrets
  342. See The Sun
  343. Serenity
  344. Seven Seas
  345. Seville
  346. Shadow Hunter
  347. Shadowlights
  348. She Spoke To Me
  349. She's Not There
  350. Shelter
  351. Showdown (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  352. Siege (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  353. Simon And Bolivia
  354. Slaves To Rome
  355. Sleep
  356. Sleeper
  357. Slow Jeremiah (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  358. Solace
  359. Solemn March
  360. Solitude (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  361. Something Is Troubling You
  362. Sorrow (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  363. Soul Searching
  364. Space Weaver
  365. Spanish Ballerina (feat. Klaus Schulze)
  366. Spirit Guide (feat. Engine Earz Experiment)
  367. St. Peters
  368. Stop The Cab (feat. James Orr)
  369. Strength And Honor
  370. Suitcase
  371. Sükhe
  372. Surrender To Silence
  373. Swans
  374. Swimming And Skiing
  375. Sword Of The Samurai
  376. Symphony of Sorrowful Songs - I. Lento - Sostenuto Tranquillo Ma Cantabile
  377. Symphony of Sorrowful Songs - II. Lento E Largo - Tranquillissimo
  378. Symphony of Sorrowful Songs - III. Lento - Cantabile-semplice
  379. Taboo
  380. Tell It From The Mountain
  381. Tempest
  382. That's What You Always Do (feat. Pieter Bourke)
  383. The Aftermath
  384. The Balibo Five
  385. The Battle (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  386. The Black Opal
  387. The Creeping Black
  388. The Crossing
  389. The da Varsaw Code (feat. Klaus Schulze)
  390. The Emperor Is Dead
  391. The End
  392. The Gardener
  393. The Gathering Storm
  394. The General Who Became A Slave
  395. The Gladiator Waltz (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  396. The Help I Mentioned (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
  397. The Host Of Seraphim
  398. The Interrogation
  399. The Invasion (feat. Marcello De Francisci)
  400. The Lake
  401. The Lost Phoenix
  402. The Lost Star of Menelik (Bonus Track)
  403. The Maharaja
  404. The Memory Of The Goze (feat. Michael Edwards)
  405. The Messenger
  406. The Might Of Rome
  407. The Mob
  408. The Monster Living In Your Head
  409. The Nativity (feat. Lorne Balfe)
  410. The Nomad's Path
  411. The Northern Lights (feat. Jeff Rona)
  412. The Path Ahead (feat. Michael Edwards)
  413. The Protector Of Rome
  414. The Same People (feat. James Orr)
  415. The Sea Whisperer
  416. The Serpent And The Dove
  417. The Short Time Upon This Earth
  418. The Silencer (feat. Pieter Bourke)
  419. The Slave Who Became A Gladiator
  420. The Song Of Amergin
  421. The Song Of Amergin
  422. The Spirit Awakens
  423. The Stars (feat. James Orr)
  424. The Starving Steppe (feat. Cye Wood)
  425. The Storm (feat. HAVASI)
  426. The Subordinate (feat. Pieter Bourke)
  427. The Trial of the Chosen
  428. The Usual Suspects
  429. The Valley Of The Moon
  430. The Vampire Train
  431. The Veil
  432. The Volcano
  433. The Wheat
  434. The Wind And The Goze (feat. Michael Edwards)
  435. The Wind That Shakes The Barley
  436. They Came To Die
  437. They Just Want To Know
  438. Thousand Hands
  439. Tigon (feat. Cye Wood)
  440. Time Flies Away (feat. Pieter Bourke)
  441. Time Passes (feat. David Kuckhermann)
  442. Time Stands Still (feat. James Orr)
  443. To Those We Love (feat. Dominik Wania)
  444. To Those Who Seek Forgiveness
  445. To Zuccabar (feat. Hans Zimmer)
  446. Together Mother & Daughter
  447. Too Far Gone
  448. Touma's Story (feat. Michael Edwards)
  449. Towards The Tower
  450. Train Wreck
  451. Trashed Apartment
  452. Tribes Unrealised
  453. Try To Remember
  454. Turn off the Lights
  455. TV Screen Memories (feat. David Hobson)
  456. Unity (feat. Klaus Schulze)
  457. Urban Jungle (feat. David Kuckhermann)
  458. Valley Of Shadows (feat. Zbigniew Preisner)
  459. Vehadi (feat. The Genesis Orchestra)
  460. Vespers (feat. Patrick Cassidy)
  461. Villages And Freeways
  462. Vineyard
  463. Waka In The Sky
  464. Wake Up (feat. Valley Of Shadows)
  465. Walk In Beauty's Way
  466. Wandering Star
  467. War Machine
  468. Washed Away
  469. Watchtower
  470. Wayfarer
  471. We Can Trace Her Journey
  472. We Shouldn't Do This
  473. Wedding Day
  474. What Did You Do?
  475. What Was She Like?
  476. What's My Name?
  477. Where The Hell Is She?
  478. Whisper
  479. Who Are We To Say (feat. Jeff Rona)
  480. Who Are You?
  481. Who Was Crucified?
  482. Wisdom
  483. Wisdom Of Wind
  484. Womb (feat. Patrick Cassidy)
  485. Wyld's Call (feat. Michael Allen)
  486. You Look Just Like Her
  487. You Needed Me Here
  488. You Saved Me (feat. James Orr)
  489. You're a Liar
  490. Yukis Lullaby (feat. David Kuckhermann)
  491. Yulunga (Spirit Dance)

Lisa Germaine Gerrard ( jə-RARD; born 12 April 1961) is an Australian musician, singer and composer and member of the group Dead Can Dance with music partner Brendan Perry. She is known for her unique singing style technique (glossolalia). She has a dramatic contralto voice and has a vocal range of three octaves. Born and raised in Melbourne, Gerrard played a pivotal role in the city's Little Band scene and fronted post-punk group Microfilm before co-founding Dead Can Dance in 1981. With Perry, she explored numerous traditional and modern styles, laying the foundations for what became known as neoclassical dark wave. She sings sometimes in English and often in a unique language that she invented. In addition to singing, she is an instrumentalist for much of her work, most prolifically using the yangqin (a Chinese hammered dulcimer). Gerrard's first solo album, The Mirror Pool, was released in 1995. She has been involved in a wide range of projects, starting her first collaborative album in 1998 with Pieter Bourke, and then with various artists throughout her career, who comprised Patrick Cassidy, Klaus Schulze, Hans Zimmer, Ennio Morricone, Zbigniew Preisner among others. She has scored numerous award-winning motion picture soundtracks. As of 2020, Gerrard has released four solo albums and collaborated on sixteen albums. She has composed or contributed to the scores of more than 48 films. She received a Golden Globe Award for the music score to the 2000 film Gladiator, on which she collaborated with Hans Zimmer. She wrote the score of Balibo which went on to win an ARIA award for Best Original Soundtrack and an APRA Screen music award for Best feature film score. Overall she has won 11 awards receiving 23 nominations. Gerrard has been nominated for a Grammy Award twice. Gerrard is often affiliated with the "wailing woman" music phenomenon, popularized in Gladiator.

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