Lyrics by Kensington

We have compiled all the lyrics of Kensington's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Kensington, find them all in one place.

  1. Sorry
  2. Riddles
  3. All For Nothing
  4. All That I Know
  5. Call My Name
  6. Control
  7. Do I Ever
  8. Don't Look Back
  9. Don't Walk Away
  10. Done With It
  11. Fiji
  12. Franklin Exits
  13. Friendly Fire
  14. Ghosts
  15. Go Down
  16. Good Life
  17. Home Again
  18. I Was Too Scared
  19. It Doesn't Have To Hurt
  20. Kilimanjaro
  21. Let Go
  22. Little Light
  23. Not as Bright
  24. Ride
  25. Rivals
  26. Safe
  27. Send Me Away
  28. So Am I
  29. St. Helena
  30. Streets
  31. System
  32. The Heart Of It
  33. Thieves And Murderers
  34. Waiting For A Sign
  35. Wanted / Needed
  36. War
  37. We Are The Young
  38. What's Gotten Into Us
  39. When It All Falls Down
  40. Words You Don't Know
  41. Youth
  42. Zeros

Kensington is an area of London in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, around 2.9 miles (4.6 km) west of Central London. The district's commercial heart is Kensington High Street, running on an east–west axis. The north-east is taken up by Kensington Gardens, containing the Albert Memorial, the Serpentine Gallery and Speke's monument. South Kensington and Gloucester Road are home to Imperial College London, the Royal College of Music, the Royal Albert Hall, Natural History Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, and Science Museum. The area is also home to many embassies and consulates.

It often happens that when you like a song by a specific group or artist, you like other songs of theirs too. So if you like a song by Kensington, you'll probably like many other songs by Kensington.

The lyrics of Kensington's songs often follow certain patterns that you can discover if you pay close attention. Are you up for finding out what they are?

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