Lyrics by G.R.E.S Arame de Ricardo

Here you can find out which songs by G.R.E.S Arame de Ricardo are the most searched.

  1. O Arame Arma a Lona da Alegria (2005)
  2. O Esplendor Das Maravilhas, Brasil, de Tudo Dá
  3. Samba Enredo 2012 - Com Prazer, Hiram Araújo
  4. Samba Enredo 2014 - Let's Go Arame! Uma Viagem Pelos Anos 80
  5. Samba Enredo 2023 - Da Baixada Para o Brasil, André Ceciliano! Nas Estações do Progresso Pela União de Um Povo.
  6. Samba-Enredo 2001 - Sem Medo de Ser Feliz
  7. Samba-Enredo 2004 - Lafond, Sua Vida, Suas Glórias, Hoje o Arame Conta Sua História
  8. Samba-Enredo 2007 - Levando a Vida No Arame
  9. Samba-Enredo 2013 - Do Meu Nordeste Ao Seu Agreste. Hoje Sou Cabra da Peste
  10. Samba-Enredo 2018 - Agbayê - Dos Orixás Renasce a Vida
  11. Samba-Enredo 2019 - o Primeiro Bailarino do Carnaval

You might not be a big fan of G.R.E.S Arame de Ricardo, maybe you're here for just one song by G.R.E.S Arame de Ricardo that you like, but take a look at the rest, they might surprise you.

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of G.R.E.S Arame de Ricardo's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

It often happens that when you like a song by a specific group or artist, you like other songs of theirs too. So if you like a song by G.R.E.S Arame de Ricardo, you'll probably like many other songs by G.R.E.S Arame de Ricardo.

The lyrics of G.R.E.S Arame de Ricardo's songs often follow certain patterns that you can discover if you pay close attention. Are you up for finding out what they are?

We hope you like these lyrics of G.R.E.S Arame de Ricardo's songs, and that you find them useful.

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