Lyrics by Frankie Avalon

Do you love Frankie Avalon's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Frankie Avalon's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

Do you see the song you like in this list of Frankie Avalon's songs?

  1. Venus
  2. I'll Wait For You
  3. Just Ask Your Heart
  4. Two Fools
  5. A Boy Without A Girl
  6. A Miracle
  7. A Perfect Love
  8. All Of Everything
  9. Beauty School Drop-out
  10. Beauty School Dropout
  11. Bobby Sox To Stockings
  12. Boy Without a Girl
  13. De De Dinah
  14. Dede Dinah
  15. Don't Let Love Pass Me By
  16. Don't Throw Away All Those Teardrops
  17. Ginger Bread
  18. Swingin' On a Rainbow
  19. The Puppet Song
  20. Togetherness
  21. True, True Love
  22. Tuxedo Junction
  23. What Little Girl
  24. Where Are You
  25. Who Else But You
  26. Why
  27. You Are Mine
  28. You Excite Me

Francis Thomas Avallone (born September 18, 1940), better known as Frankie Avalon, is an American actor, singer, and former teen idol. He had 31 charting U.S. Billboard singles from 1958 to late 1962, including number one hits, "Venus" and "Why" in 1959. He is the earliest surviving singer to have scored a solo number one hit on the Billboard Hot 100. Avalon started appearing in films in the 1960s; he is well-known for having appeared in the Beach party films of this decade and for a supporting role in the 1978 musical film Grease, in which he sings the song "Beauty School Dropout".

You might not be a big fan of Frankie Avalon, maybe you're here for just one song by Frankie Avalon that you like, but take a look at the rest, they might surprise you.

The lyrics of Frankie Avalon's songs often follow certain patterns that you can discover if you pay close attention. Are you up for finding out what they are?

To discover the patterns in Frankie Avalon's songs, you just have to read their lyrics carefully, paying attention not just to what they say, but how they are constructed.

Analyzing the lyrics of Frankie Avalon's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.

We hope you like these lyrics of Frankie Avalon's songs, and that you find them useful.

As always, we try to keep improving and growing, so if you haven't found the lyrics of Frankie Avalon's songs you were looking for, come back soon, as we frequently update our databases to offer all the songs by Frankie Avalon and many other artists as quickly as possible.

If you've found the Frankie Avalon song you like on this list, share it with your loved ones.