Lyrics by Francisco Tárrega

Do you love Francisco Tárrega's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Francisco Tárrega's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

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  1. Rosita
  2. Adagio in A
  3. Adelita
  4. Cajita De Musica
  5. Capricho Arabe
  6. Danza Mora
  7. Etude In e Minor
  8. Gran Vals
  9. Lagrima
  10. Maria
  11. Marieta
  12. Mariposa
  13. Mazurka
  14. Recuerdos Del de La Alhambra (palacio)
  15. Tangos
  16. The Carnival Of Venice
  17. 11 Teaching Preludes
  18. Endecha - Oremus Preludios
  19. Estudio Brilliante
  20. Estudo Em D Maior
  21. La Paloma
  22. Lgrima
  23. Malaguea
  24. Pavana
  25. Preludio 1
  26. Prlude En A
  27. Scherzo En La Majeur
  28. Study
  29. Valse
  30. Tango
  31. Malaguena
  32. Estudio
  33. Recuerdos De La Alhambra
  34. Etyde In Em
  35. Gran Jota Intro
  36. Preludio N°5
  37. Fanfare
  38. Fantasia On Themes From La Traviata
  39. Minueto
  40. Prelude In D Major From Jb Cramer
  41. Sueno
  42. Estudo Em Mi Menor
  43. Romance de Amor-estudo Em Mi
  44. Estudo 1
  45. Prelude 15 In E
  46. Prelude 23 In A Minor
  47. Prelude In D Minor
  48. Study In C Major
  49. Gran Jota
  50. Study In E Minor
  51. Grande Valse - Nokia Tune
  52. Memories Of The Alhambra
  53. Variations On The Carnival Of Venice
  54. Mazurka In G
  55. Tremolo Piece
  56. Prelude 5 In E Major
  57. Prelude Moderato In D Minor
  58. Preludio In D
  59. Prelude In A Minor
  60. Prelude In A
  61. Prelude No 28 In D Major
  62. Prelude 35 Oremus In D Minor
  63. Prelude 8 In A Major
  64. Prelude 11 In D Major
  65. Prelude 18 In D
  66. Lagrima - Prelude 20
  67. Prelude 34 Endecha In D Minor
  68. Study In E Minor
  69. Prelude 4 In E Major
  70. Prelude 9 In A
  71. Preludo
  72. Maria Gavota
  73. El Sueno
  74. Etude In The Form Of A Minuet
  75. Las Dos Hermanitas
  76. Estudio En E Menor
  77. Etude In C
  78. Andantino En La Mayor
  79. La Alborada

Francisco de Asís Tárrega Eixea (21 November 1852 – 15 December 1909) was a Spanish composer and classical guitarist of the late Romantic period. He is known for such pieces as Capricho Árabe and Recuerdos de la Alhambra.

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