Lyrics by Francisco Gomes

Do you love Francisco Gomes's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Francisco Gomes's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

We have compiled all the lyrics of Francisco Gomes's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Francisco Gomes, find them all in one place.

Here you can find out which songs by Francisco Gomes are the most searched.

  1. A Diferença
  2. A Voz da Sabedoria
  3. A Voz do Pai
  4. Adoração a Deus
  5. Cresça Em Mim
  6. Ele É
  7. Ele Ressuscitou
  8. Em Ti
  9. És Real
  10. Francisco Gomes
  11. Jesus É a Luz
  12. Jesus É a Vida
  13. Minha Vida Pra Te Adorar
  14. Nada Vai Nos Separar
  15. Não Estou Só
  16. O Amor de Deus
  17. O Bom Pastor
  18. O Tesouro No Céu
  19. Que darei eu
  20. Salmos 23
  21. Salvação, Luz e Paz
  22. Se Lembre
  23. Teu Pra Sempre
  24. Teu Pra Sempre
  25. Tu És o Caminho
  26. Tua Presenca
  27. Vai valer a pena

Francisco Gomes is a Portuguese name which may refer to: Chico (footballer, born 1988), full name Francisco Miguel Franco Antunes Gomes, Portuguese footballer Chiquinho Baiano (born 1980), full name Francisco Gomes de Andrade Junior (born 1980), Brazilian footballer. Francisco Gomes da Rocha, (1745–1808), Brazilian composer Francisco Gomes de Amorim, (1827–1891), Portuguese poet and Dramatist Francisco da Costa Gomes (1914–2001), Portuguese military officer and politician, the 15th President of the Portuguese Republic Francisco Dias Gomes (1745–1795), Portuguese poet and literary critic Francisco Luís Gomes, (1829–1869), Portuguese physician, writer, historian, economist, politician Gomes da Costa (footballer), (born 1919), former Portuguese footballer

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of Francisco Gomes's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

It often happens that when you like a song by a specific group or artist, you like other songs of theirs too. So if you like a song by Francisco Gomes, you'll probably like many other songs by Francisco Gomes.

Analyzing the lyrics of Francisco Gomes's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.

We hope you like these lyrics of Francisco Gomes's songs, and that you find them useful.

As always, we try to keep improving and growing, so if you haven't found the lyrics of Francisco Gomes's songs you were looking for, come back soon, as we frequently update our databases to offer all the songs by Francisco Gomes and many other artists as quickly as possible.

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