Lyrics by Exist†trace

Do you love Exist†trace's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Exist†trace's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

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  1. Little Mary To Utsukushiki Nikushimi No Donau
  2. Resonance
  3. True
  4. hai NO yuki
  5. JUDEA
  6. Ambivalence
  7. Anata
  8. Anecdote
  9. Antique Doll
  10. Baptism
  11. Be Naked
  12. Blaze
  13. Corrosion
  14. Cradle
  15. Daybreak (Jyusan Gatsu No Shikisai)
  16. Decide
  17. Diamond
  18. Dream Rider
  19. End-less
  20. Feel
  21. Forward
  22. Futatsu No Koe
  23. Ginger
  24. Halt
  25. Hana no Sakanai Machi
  26. Honey
  27. Honnou
  28. I Feel You
  29. Imagination
  30. Jiyuu No Sora, Chijou No Uta
  31. Just One
  32. Keiyaku
  33. Kiba
  34. Kiss In The Dark
  35. Knife
  36. Kuchibiru
  37. Kun No Masshiro Na Hane
  38. Lilin
  39. Liquid
  40. Lost in Helix
  41. Mabushii Hodo No Kurayami No Naka de
  42. Marchen
  43. Mirror
  44. Nagai Yume No Owari Ni
  45. Neo-Japanese Heroine
  46. Neverland
  47. Orleans No Shoujo
  48. Owari No Nai Sekai
  49. Proof Of The Blood
  50. Raze
  51. reprologue
  52. Requiem
  53. Ririmu
  54. Rouge
  55. Sacrifice Baby
  56. Shooting Star
  57. Signal
  58. Sora
  59. Spiral Daisakusen
  60. The Colors
  61. Tokoyami No Yoake
  62. Umi No Shizuku
  63. Under Mind
  64. Unforgive You
  65. Vanguard
  66. Venom
  67. Voice
  68. Water
  69. Wonderland
  70. World Maker
  71. Wrath

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of Exist†trace's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

The lyrics of Exist†trace's songs often follow certain patterns that you can discover if you pay close attention. Are you up for finding out what they are?

Analyzing the lyrics of Exist†trace's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.

We hope you like these lyrics of Exist†trace's songs, and that you find them useful.

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