Lyrics by Envy & Other Sins

Do you love Envy & Other Sins's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Envy & Other Sins's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

Find here the lyrics to your favorite songs by Envy & Other Sins.

Do you see the song you like in this list of Envy & Other Sins's songs?

  1. (It Only Gets Harder To Be Such A) Martyr
  2. Highness
  3. Man Bites God
  4. Morning Sickness
  5. Shipwrecked
  6. Step Across
  7. Talk to Strangers

Envy & Other Sins was a four-piece band from Birmingham, England, who came to fame by winning Channel 4's nationwide talent show, mobileAct unsigned. They were the winners of the show, on which they won a £60,000 record contract with A&M Records. The contract allowed them to release one album and two singles. Their first single, "Highness", was released on 3 March 2008, and their debut album, We Leave at Dawn, was released on 31 March 2008. On 1 July 2009, the band announced they were to split up, with Jim Macaulay becoming the drummer for Eliot Sumner, Emmy the Great and The Stranglers during the next decade.

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of Envy & Other Sins's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

The lyrics of Envy & Other Sins's songs often follow certain patterns that you can discover if you pay close attention. Are you up for finding out what they are?

We hope you like these lyrics of Envy & Other Sins's songs, and that you find them useful.

As always, we try to keep improving and growing, so if you haven't found the lyrics of Envy & Other Sins's songs you were looking for, come back soon, as we frequently update our databases to offer all the songs by Envy & Other Sins and many other artists as quickly as possible.