Lyrics by David Duarte

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  1. O Que Eu Queria
  2. À Toa
  3. Atitude
  4. Autodidata
  5. Babe Baby
  6. Bem de Manhã
  7. Bem perto
  8. Brasil Musical
  9. Bússola
  10. Canção pra você
  11. Conjunção Feliz
  12. Dor Pra Cantar
  13. Então vem
  14. Eu Tô Lá no Mar
  15. Gírias do Norte
  16. Gosto de baião
  17. Luz Acesa
  18. Meu Lugar
  19. Nenhum Medo
  20. Noite
  21. O Maior Segredo
  22. Outra Canção
  23. Outro Amanhã
  24. Palavra música
  25. Por Calor
  26. Por Mais Que o Tempo Passe
  27. Preciso de Você
  28. Presente
  29. Reencontro
  30. Saudade Doida Pra Te Ver
  31. Serena Saudade
  32. Valeu A Pena Espera
  33. Valeu a Pena Esperar

David de Duarte Macedo (born 24 January 1995), is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a central defender for Bahia.

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of David Duarte's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

To discover the patterns in David Duarte's songs, you just have to read their lyrics carefully, paying attention not just to what they say, but how they are constructed.

We hope you like these lyrics of David Duarte's songs, and that you find them useful.

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