Lyrics by Cyndi Wang

Do you love Cyndi Wang's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Cyndi Wang's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

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  1. Dang Ni
  2. Ai Ni
  3. Bao Zhe Ni Ku
  4. BFF
  5. A Little Bit (一点点 )
  6. A Place I've Never Been (从未到过的地方)
  7. Addicted To You (上了你的瘾)
  8. Ai De Hua Xiang Yi
  9. Ai De Tao Can
  10. Ai de Tian Guo
  11. Ai De Tian Ling Ling
  12. Ai Qing Cheng Bao
  13. Ai Qing Ju Xing
  14. All In (對賭)
  15. As Time Goes By
  16. Baby Baby Tell Me
  17. Baby Boy
  18. Beauty
  19. Become Strangers (變成陌生人)
  21. Cai Hong de Wei Xiao
  22. Changes (part. Wu Jiacheng)
  23. Chen Shui de Sen Lin
  24. Chi Bang
  25. Da Da Da
  26. Da Mian
  27. Dao Chu Bu Cun Zai de Wo
  28. Di Yi Ci Ai De Ren
  29. Don't cry
  30. Fang Ke
  31. Fei Ba
  32. Hai Shi Hao Peng You
  33. Happy Loving
  34. Hi Hi Bye Bye
  35. Honey
  36. Hu Die
  37. Hua De Jia Sha
  38. Huang Hun Xiao
  39. Hui Gu Niang De Yan Lei
  40. I do
  41. Jiao Hai Ou Fei Xing de Mao
  42. Jie Mao Wan Wan
  43. Lian Ai Jie Zou
  44. Little Star
  45. Mi Ni Dian Ying
  46. Ming Tian Jian
  47. Mu Ma Tu Cheng Ji
  48. Ni Ming De An Wei
  49. Nian Nian Nian Nian
  50. On My Way
  51. Pao Pao Tang
  52. Pei Wo Dao Yi Hou (feat. Show Luo)
  53. Peng Peng
  54. Pi Ni de Lei Zheng Zai Lu Shang
  55. Pi Zhe Lang Pi de Yang
  56. Piao Piao
  57. Qiao Qiao Ban
  58. Qing Chun Kao Juan
  59. Ri Lou Qian Qi Fen Zhong
  60. Sheng Ming Zhong de Mei Hao Que Han
  61. Shi Lian De Ge Mi Dang
  62. Shuang Ren Wu
  63. Shun Jian
  64. Shuo Bu Chu de Wei Dao
  65. Tang Guan Zi
  66. This Is Love (feat Dean Fujioka)
  67. Tian Shi de Pian Zhi
  68. Wang Xing Fu Chu Fa Ba
  69. Wo Hui Hao Hao De
  70. Wo Yi Wei
  71. Xin Dian Xin
  72. Xin Fu Bei Hou
  73. Xin Ling De Mao Xian
  74. Xin Xin Xiang Yin
  75. Xing Fu Shen Tou
  76. Yi Chu de Mi Mi
  77. Yin Wei Shi Ni
  78. Yu Mao
  79. Yuan Lai Zhe Cai Shi Zhen de Ni
  80. Yue Ding
  81. Yue Guang
  82. Zai Qing Chun Mi Shi de Ka Fei Guan
  83. Zheng Kai Yan

Cyndi Wang Hsin-ling (Chinese: 王心凌; pinyin: Wáng Xīnlíng; born 5 September 1982) is a Taiwanese singer and actress. Wang began her recording career when she released her first album, Begin... (2003). Besides her musical career, Wang has starred in many TV dramas, including The Car Is In Pursuit (2000), Westside Story (2003), Heaven's Wedding Gown (2004), and Smiling Pasta (2006). She started her first tour in 2016, and second in 2019. Wang has been active in the Taiwanese music scene for more than twenty years and is one of the top female popstars in the Mandopop industry, regularly selling over a million copies of her every album across Asia. She is widely known as the "Mandopop Princess" or "Taiwanese Sweetheart".

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of Cyndi Wang's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

It often happens that when you like a song by a specific group or artist, you like other songs of theirs too. So if you like a song by Cyndi Wang, you'll probably like many other songs by Cyndi Wang.

To discover the patterns in Cyndi Wang's songs, you just have to read their lyrics carefully, paying attention not just to what they say, but how they are constructed.

Analyzing the lyrics of Cyndi Wang's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.

As always, we try to keep improving and growing, so if you haven't found the lyrics of Cyndi Wang's songs you were looking for, come back soon, as we frequently update our databases to offer all the songs by Cyndi Wang and many other artists as quickly as possible.

If you've found the Cyndi Wang song you like on this list, share it with your loved ones.

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