Lyrics by Ataraxia

Here you can find out which songs by Ataraxia are the most searched.

  1. I love every waving thing
  2. A Calliope
  3. Encrucijada
  4. Il bagatto
  5. Le Ore Rosa Di Mazenderan
  6. ~ Rue ~ Bleue ~
  7. A Face To Paint Tulips
  8. A Green For Her Voice
  9. A L'aube
  10. À Votre Guise
  11. Agharti
  12. Aigues Mortes
  13. Al Ballo Mascherato
  14. Al Ballo Masquerato
  15. Alsicon
  16. Annabell Lee
  17. Anno Domini MDLVI
  18. Aperlae
  19. Aquarello
  20. Arcana Eco
  21. Astimelusa
  22. Astore Serotina
  23. Astraea
  24. Azar
  25. Belle Jolande
  26. Blanche
  27. Bleumarine
  28. Blood Of Cherries
  29. Bonthrop
  30. Canzona
  31. Cobalt
  32. Colouring Nocturnal Lemons
  33. D'arc Et D'harpe
  34. Daytia
  35. De Pourpre Et D 'argent
  36. Departure
  37. Dulcamara
  38. E' Il Fantasma? Part I
  39. E' Il Fantasma? Part II
  40. E'll Fantasma? Part 2
  41. Eaudelamer
  42. Ebur
  43. Efestia
  44. Elevazione
  45. Eleven
  46. Elfine
  47. Entrata Solenne
  48. Etretat
  49. Faust In Una Sala Maledetta
  50. Faust In Una Sala Malendetta
  51. Fengari
  52. Filava Melis
  53. Fire In The Wood
  54. Flee Et Fabian
  55. Flora
  56. Fountains
  57. Fuga Trionfale
  58. Funeral in Datça
  59. Histrionia
  60. Hovering
  61. Hydra Hyali
  62. I'm Wind
  63. Il Violino Incantanto
  64. Il Violino Incantato
  65. Inno Corale
  66. Jardin de Lune
  67. June
  68. Kaviria
  69. klethra
  70. Kremastra Nera
  71. La Bourgeoise Et La Noble
  72. La Fame e la Danza
  73. La Lira Di Apolla
  74. La Lira Di Apollo
  75. La Nouva Marguerita
  76. La Nuova Margherita
  77. La Reine Des Hommes Aux Yeux Verts
  78. Lady Lazarus
  79. Le marchand de nuages
  80. Le Ore Rosa Di Mazenderau
  81. Le Reine de hommes aux yeux verts
  82. Le Saltimbanque Décrépit
  83. Les Tisseuses Lunaires
  84. Li Frere Li Mestre Du Temple
  85. Ligeia
  86. Longtemps Pierrete D'orient
  87. Longtemps Pierrette D'orient
  88. Lost Atlantis
  89. Lubna
  90. Lucrecia
  91. Lucretia
  92. Marcia Cerimoniale
  93. Maybe-o'-the Leaves
  94. Medusa
  95. Mirsilo
  96. Mnemosine
  97. Mon Âme Sorcière
  98. Mon Cher Toutou
  99. Mu-Land
  100. Mundus Est Jocundum (Carmina Burana)
  101. Mundus Furibundus (Carmina Burana)
  102. N'importe Oú!
  103. Nei Sotterranei Dell' Opera
  104. Nei Sotterranei Dell'opera
  105. Nemrut Dagi
  106. Nosce Te Ipsum
  107. Ode
  108. Oduarpa
  109. Of Asphodel
  110. Oh Radamante
  111. Oh Rhadamante
  112. Ondine
  113. Ophelie
  114. Orlando (A Female)
  115. Orlando (A Male)
  116. Où Vont Les Chiens?
  117. Outremer
  118. Pastorale
  119. Petite Chanson Lycanthrope
  120. Preghiera
  121. Preludio
  122. Prophetia
  123. Rocking Chair Of Dreams
  124. Satis Vixi
  125. Scarlet Leaves
  126. Scarletminded Echoes
  127. Shelmerdine
  128. Spiritus Ad Vindictam
  129. Spiritus Ad Vindictum
  130. Strange Lights
  131. Sybil
  132. Tango Des-astres
  133. The Corals of Áqaba
  134. The Early Days
  135. The Gentle Sleep
  136. The Island Of Docteur Moreau
  137. The Land Of Sand Of Gold Of Ruin
  138. The Moon Sang On The April Chair
  139. The Nine Ritual
  140. The songs of Axieros
  141. The Tale Of The Crying Fireflies
  142. Therma
  143. Torquemada
  144. Tu Es La Force Du Silence
  145. Verdigis Wounds
  146. Verdigris Wounds
  147. Vespertilia
  148. Veules Les Roses
  149. Vitrage
  150. Wide White Wave
  151. wings
  152. Zelia
  153. Zweistimmenstauschung

In Ancient Greek philosophy, ataraxia (Greek: ἀταραξία, from ἀ- indicating negation or absence and ταρασσ- tarass- 'to disturb, trouble' with the abstract noun suffix -ία), generally translated as 'unperturbedness', 'imperturbability', 'equanimity', or 'tranquility', is a lucid state of robust equanimity characterized by ongoing freedom from distress and worry. In non-philosophical usage, ataraxia was the ideal mental state for soldiers entering battle. Achieving ataraxia is a common goal for Pyrrhonism, Epicureanism, and Stoicism, but the role and value of ataraxia within each philosophy varies in accordance with their philosophical theories. The mental disturbances that prevent one from achieving ataraxia also vary among the philosophies, and each philosophy has a different understanding as to how to achieve ataraxia.

Analyzing the lyrics of Ataraxia's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.

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