Here you can find out which songs by Ataraxia are the most searched.
- I love every waving thing
- A Calliope
- Encrucijada
- Il bagatto
- Le Ore Rosa Di Mazenderan
- ~ Rue ~ Bleue ~
- A Face To Paint Tulips
- A Green For Her Voice
- A L'aube
- À Votre Guise
- Agharti
- Aigues Mortes
- Al Ballo Mascherato
- Al Ballo Masquerato
- Alsicon
- Annabell Lee
- Anno Domini MDLVI
- Aperlae
- Aquarello
- Arcana Eco
- Astimelusa
- Astore Serotina
- Astraea
- Azar
- Belle Jolande
- Blanche
- Bleumarine
- Blood Of Cherries
- Bonthrop
- Canzona
- Cobalt
- Colouring Nocturnal Lemons
- D'arc Et D'harpe
- Daytia
- De Pourpre Et D 'argent
- Departure
- Dulcamara
- E' Il Fantasma? Part I
- E' Il Fantasma? Part II
- E'll Fantasma? Part 2
- Eaudelamer
- Ebur
- Efestia
- Elevazione
- Eleven
- Elfine
- Entrata Solenne
- Etretat
- Faust In Una Sala Maledetta
- Faust In Una Sala Malendetta
- Fengari
- Filava Melis
- Fire In The Wood
- Flee Et Fabian
- Flora
- Fountains
- Fuga Trionfale
- Funeral in Datça
- Histrionia
- Hovering
- Hydra Hyali
- I'm Wind
- Il Violino Incantanto
- Il Violino Incantato
- Inno Corale
- Jardin de Lune
- June
- Kaviria
- klethra
- Kremastra Nera
- La Bourgeoise Et La Noble
- La Fame e la Danza
- La Lira Di Apolla
- La Lira Di Apollo
- La Nouva Marguerita
- La Nuova Margherita
- La Reine Des Hommes Aux Yeux Verts
- Lady Lazarus
- Le marchand de nuages
- Le Ore Rosa Di Mazenderau
- Le Reine de hommes aux yeux verts
- Le Saltimbanque Décrépit
- Les Tisseuses Lunaires
- Li Frere Li Mestre Du Temple
- Ligeia
- Longtemps Pierrete D'orient
- Longtemps Pierrette D'orient
- Lost Atlantis
- Lubna
- Lucrecia
- Lucretia
- Marcia Cerimoniale
- Maybe-o'-the Leaves
- Medusa
- Mirsilo
- Mnemosine
- Mon Âme Sorcière
- Mon Cher Toutou
- Mu-Land
- Mundus Est Jocundum (Carmina Burana)
- Mundus Furibundus (Carmina Burana)
- N'importe Oú!
- Nei Sotterranei Dell' Opera
- Nei Sotterranei Dell'opera
- Nemrut Dagi
- Nosce Te Ipsum
- Ode
- Oduarpa
- Of Asphodel
- Oh Radamante
- Oh Rhadamante
- Ondine
- Ophelie
- Orlando (A Female)
- Orlando (A Male)
- Où Vont Les Chiens?
- Outremer
- Pastorale
- Petite Chanson Lycanthrope
- Preghiera
- Preludio
- Prophetia
- Rocking Chair Of Dreams
- Satis Vixi
- Scarlet Leaves
- Scarletminded Echoes
- Shelmerdine
- Spiritus Ad Vindictam
- Spiritus Ad Vindictum
- Strange Lights
- Sybil
- Tango Des-astres
- The Corals of Áqaba
- The Early Days
- The Gentle Sleep
- The Island Of Docteur Moreau
- The Land Of Sand Of Gold Of Ruin
- The Moon Sang On The April Chair
- The Nine Ritual
- The songs of Axieros
- The Tale Of The Crying Fireflies
- Therma
- Torquemada
- Tu Es La Force Du Silence
- Verdigis Wounds
- Verdigris Wounds
- Vespertilia
- Veules Les Roses
- Vitrage
- Wide White Wave
- wings
- Zelia
- Zweistimmenstauschung
In Ancient Greek philosophy, ataraxia (Greek: ἀταραξία, from ἀ- indicating negation or absence and ταρασσ- tarass- 'to disturb, trouble' with the abstract noun suffix -ία), generally translated as 'unperturbedness', 'imperturbability', 'equanimity', or 'tranquility', is a lucid state of robust equanimity characterized by ongoing freedom from distress and worry. In non-philosophical usage, ataraxia was the ideal mental state for soldiers entering battle. Achieving ataraxia is a common goal for Pyrrhonism, Epicureanism, and Stoicism, but the role and value of ataraxia within each philosophy varies in accordance with their philosophical theories. The mental disturbances that prevent one from achieving ataraxia also vary among the philosophies, and each philosophy has a different understanding as to how to achieve ataraxia.
Analyzing the lyrics of Ataraxia's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.
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