Lyrics by André de Paula

We have compiled all the lyrics of André de Paula's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by André de Paula, find them all in one place.

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  1. Cuidado Com o Psiu de Satanás
  2. Espada de Dois Gumes
  3. Mapa da Vida Eterna
  4. O Banco Ainda Está Vazio
  5. O Veneno do Pecado
  6. Ovelha Amada
  7. Sou Um Crente Comprado
  8. Tira a Tua Igreja Daqui

André Carlos Alves de Paula Filho (born 22 July 1961 in Recife) is a Brazilian lawyer and politician. He is regional chairman of the Social Democratic Party, a member of the Chamber of Deputies for Pernambuco, and Minister of Fishing and Aquaculture.

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