Lyrics by Amy Lee

Do you love Amy Lee's songs? Here you'll find the lyrics to Amy Lee's songs so you can sing them at the top of your lungs, make your own versions, or simply understand them properly.

We have compiled all the lyrics of Amy Lee's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Amy Lee, find them all in one place.

Here you can find out which songs by Amy Lee are the most searched.

  1. My Immortal
  2. Everybody´s Fool
  3. Sally's Song
  4. Going Under
  5. Call Me When You´re Sober
  6. Lithium
  7. My Heart Is Broken
  8. My Last Breath
  9. All That I'm Living For
  10. Broken (feat. Seether)
  11. Speak to Me
  12. Breathe No More
  13. Freak On a Leash
  14. Angel Of Mine
  15. Farther Away
  16. Love Exists
  17. You
  18. Dream Too Much
  19. Even In Death
  20. Field Of Innocence
  21. Find A Way
  22. If You're A Star
  23. It's A Fire
  24. Lockdown (feat. Dave Eggar)
  25. 4th Of July
  26. Alice
  27. Anything For You
  28. Anywhere
  29. Away From Me
  30. Baby Did a Bad, Bad Thing
  31. Beautiful
  32. Bee And Duck
  33. Before The Dawn
  34. Bleed
  35. Both Sides Now
  36. Bring Me Back To Life
  37. Broken
  38. Can't Stop What's Coming
  39. Can’t Stop What’s Coming (feat. Dave Eggar)
  40. Cartoon Network
  41. Cloud Nine
  42. Dark Water
  43. Donkey And Chicken
  44. End Of The Dream
  45. Erase This
  46. Fall Into You
  47. Forgive Me
  48. Going To California
  49. Good Enough
  50. Goodnight
  51. Goodnight My Love
  52. Halfway Down The Stairs
  53. Haunted
  54. Heart-shaped Box
  55. Hello
  56. Hello, Goodbye
  57. I Must Be Dreaming
  58. I Wanna Dance With Somebody
  59. I Will Follow You Into The Dark
  60. I'm Not Tired
  61. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
  62. Imaginary
  63. Lacrymosa
  64. Lies
  65. Like You
  66. Little Bird
  67. Lost In Paradise
  68. Love Hurts (feat. Dave Stewart)
  69. Made Of Stone
  70. Missing
  71. New Way To Bleed
  72. Oceans
  73. Push The Button
  74. Rubber Duckie
  75. Sakura Rising (feat. WagakkiBand)
  76. Say You Will
  77. Secret Door
  78. Snow White Queen
  79. Solitude
  80. Stand By Me
  81. Sweet Sacrifice
  82. Swimming Home
  83. Taking Over Me
  84. The Change
  85. The End Of The Book
  86. Thoghtless
  87. Together Again
  88. Tourniquet
  89. Understanding
  90. Voice In My Head (feat. Dave Eggar)
  91. Weight Of The World
  92. What You Want
  93. White Out (feat. Dave Eggar)
  94. With Or Without You
  95. Your Star
  96. Zero

Amy Lynn Lee (born December 13, 1981) is an American singer-songwriter and musician. She is the co-founder, lead vocalist, lead songwriter and keyboardist of the rock band Evanescence. A classically trained pianist, Lee began writing music at age 11 and co-founded Evanescence at age 13, inspired by various musical genres and film scores from an early age. Lee has also participated in other musical projects, including Nightmare Revisited and Muppets: The Green Album, and composed music for several films, including War Story (2014), Indigo Grey: The Passage (2015), and the song "Speak to Me" for Voice from the Stone (2017). She has also released the covers EP Recover, Vol. 1 (2016), the soundtrack album to War Story, the children's album Dream Too Much (2016), and collaborated with other artists such as Korn, Seether, Bring Me the Horizon, Lindsey Stirling, Body Count, and Wagakki Band. Lee has a mezzo-soprano voice type. Alongside her awards and nominations with Evanescence, Lee's other accolades include: the Songwriter Icon Award from the National Music Publishers Association in 2008, Best Vocalist at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards and Rock Goddess of the Year at Loudwire Music Awards in 2012, Best Film Score by the Moondance International Film Festival for Indigo Grey: The Passage in 2015, and the Hollywood Music in Media Award for Best Original Song in Independent Film for "Speak to Me" in 2017. Lee was named one of the top 100 greatest women in music by VH1 in 2012. Lee is the American chairperson for the international epilepsy awareness foundation Out of the Shadows, and was honored with United Cerebral Palsy's Luella Bennack Award for her work.

We recommend that you check out all the lyrics of Amy Lee's songs, you might fall in love with some you didn't know yet.

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