Lyrics by American Football

We have compiled all the lyrics of American Football's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by American Football, find them all in one place.

Find here the lyrics to your favorite songs by American Football.

  1. Never Meant
  2. Uncomfortably Numb (feat. Hayley Williams)
  3. You Know I Should Be Leaving Soon
  4. Best Of Me
  5. Born To Lose
  6. But The Regrets Are Killing Me
  7. Desire Gets In The Way
  8. Doom In Full Bloom
  9. Every Wave To Ever Rise
  10. Everyone Is Dressed Up
  11. Five Silent Miles
  12. For Sure
  13. Give Me The Gun
  14. Heir Apparent
  15. Home Is Where The Haunt Is
  16. Honestly?
  17. I Can't Feel You
  18. I Need a Drink (Or Two Or Three)
  19. I'll See You When Both Not So Emotional
  20. I'll See You When We're Both Not So Emotional
  21. I've Been So Lost for So Long
  22. Letters And Packages
  23. Life Support
  24. Mine To Miss
  25. My Instincts Are The Enemy
  26. Silhouettes
  27. Stay Home
  28. The One With The Tambourine
  29. The One With The Wurlitzer
  30. The Summer Ends
  31. Where Are We Now?

It often happens that when you like a song by a specific group or artist, you like other songs of theirs too. So if you like a song by American Football, you'll probably like many other songs by American Football.

The lyrics of American Football's songs often follow certain patterns that you can discover if you pay close attention. Are you up for finding out what they are?

Analyzing the lyrics of American Football's songs can be a lot of fun and if you enjoy composing, it can help you find formulas to create your own compositions.

Sometimes American Football's songs help us express what we think or feel. Is that the case for you?