Lyrics by Amandititita

We have compiled all the lyrics of Amandititita's songs we could find so that those who, like you, are looking for songs by Amandititita, find them all in one place.

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  1. La Muy Muy
  2. Cuanta navidad
  3. Metrosexual
  4. A chinga te vas
  5. Ariana
  6. Cerebro de caca
  7. Descarada
  8. El Ballet de Valet
  9. El balneario
  10. El Muy Muy (feat. Don Cheto)
  11. Eres Un Mamón
  12. La Cumbia De Telmex
  13. La descarada
  14. La Güera Televisa
  15. La Mataviejitas
  16. La Microbusera
  17. Libidinoso
  18. Mecánico
  19. Odio A Mi Jefe
  20. Paso de ti
  21. Sangoloteo
  22. Tu bling bling
  23. Viernes De Quincena

Amandititita (Amanda Lalena Escalante Pimentel) is a Mexican cumbia singer and songwriter. She is the daughter of Rodrigo Gonzalez. She came to public attention in 2007 as a performer of what she called 'AnarCumbia', a style said to be entirely urban and a blend of rock, reggae, rap, and traditional Mexican cumbia. She was signed by Sony-BMG and released her first album, La Reina de Anarcumbia, early in 2008. The single, La Muy Muy, from this album, charted on Billboard. The release of her second album has been announced for 27 October 2009; "La Descarada" with songs of a similar style. In late 2013, she released "Mala Fama" where cumbia is now with modern pop. She has released her first book "13 Latas de Atun" (13 Tuna Cans). In 2015, Amandititita featured as a musical guest on the El Rey network's wrestling show Lucha Underground

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