Lyrics of 'The Twelve Witches' by Steeleye Span

Do you want to know the lyrics of The Twelve Witches by Steeleye Span? You're in the right place.

On our website, we have the complete lyrics of the song The Twelve Witches that you were looking for.

oh there were twelve witches bold
and they lived in the north,
and their equals were not seen
on the face of the earth.

the first witch, with her hand,
the storm could hush,
and the second witch could stop
all the torrents rush.

and the third witch, she could strike
upon the golden lyre,
and she charmed both young and old
into the dancing fire.

rowan tree, red thread,
hold the witches all in dread.

the fourth witch she could dive
in the sea as a fish,
and the fifth witch she never wanted
any meat on a dish.

and now the next witch go
under the earth could she,
and the seventh witch could dance
upon the rolling sea.

and the eighth witch on her horn
she would blow a blast,
and everyone who heard
would shudder and stand aghast.

rowan tree, red thread,
hold the witches all in dread.

oh the ninth witch she tamed all
that in the greenwood crept,
and the tenth witch, not a nap
she had ever slept.

the eleventh witch, the grisly
lindworm bound,
and the twelfth witch she could all
things understand.

and these twelve witches bold,
they all lived in the north,
and their equals were not seen
on the face of the earth.

rowan tree, red thread,
hold the witches all in dread

When we really like a song, as might be your case with The Twelve Witches by Steeleye Span, we wish to be able to sing it knowing the lyrics well.

If your motivation for searching for the lyrics of the song The Twelve Witches was that you absolutely love it, we hope you can enjoy singing it.

Feel like a star singing the song The Twelve Witches by Steeleye Span, even if your audience is just your two cats.

In case your search for the lyrics of the song The Twelve Witches by Steeleye Span is because it makes you think of someone in particular, we suggest you dedicate it to them somehow, for example, by sending them the link to this website, they'll surely get the hint.

Something that happens more often than we think is that people search for the lyrics of The Twelve Witches because there is some word in the song they don't quite understand and want to make sure of what it says.

Are you arguing with your partner because you understand different things when you listen to The Twelve Witches? Having the lyrics of the song The Twelve Witches by Steeleye Span at hand can settle many disputes, and we hope that it will.

It's important to note that Steeleye Span, in live concerts, has not always been or will be faithful to the lyrics of the song The Twelve Witches... So it's better to focus on what the song The Twelve Witches says on the record.

We hope we have helped you with the lyrics of the song The Twelve Witches by Steeleye Span.

On this page, you have at your disposal hundreds of song lyrics, like The Twelve Witches by Steeleye Span.