Lyrics of 'A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation' by Steeleye Span

On our website, we have the complete lyrics of the song A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation that you were looking for.

Fareweel to a' our Scottish fame.
Fareweel our ancient glory
Fareweel ev'n to the Scottish name
Sae fam'd in martial story
Now Sark rins o'er the Solway sands
And Tweed rins to the ocean
To mark where England's province stands:
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation.

What force or guile could not subdue
Through many warlike ages
Is wrought now by a coward few
For hireling traitor's wages
The English steel we could disdain
Secure in valour's station
But English gold has been our bane:
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation.

I would, or had I seen the day
That treason thus could sell us
My auld grey head had lain in clay
Wi' Bruce and loyal Wallace!
But pith and power, till my last hour
I'll make this declaration
We're bought and sold for English gold:
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation.

There are many reasons to want to know the lyrics of A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation by Steeleye Span.

Knowing what the lyrics of A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation say allows us to put more feeling into the performance.

If your motivation for searching for the lyrics of the song A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation was that you absolutely love it, we hope you can enjoy singing it.

Feel like a star singing the song A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation by Steeleye Span, even if your audience is just your two cats.

It's important to note that Steeleye Span, in live concerts, has not always been or will be faithful to the lyrics of the song A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation... So it's better to focus on what the song A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation says on the record.

Learn the lyrics of the songs you like, like A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation by Steeleye Span, whether it's to sing them in the shower, make your covers, dedicate them to someone, or win a bet.