Lyrics of 'O Céu Nos Espera' by Samuel Mariano

Do you want to know the lyrics of O Céu Nos Espera by Samuel Mariano? You're in the right place.

On our website, we have the complete lyrics of the song O Céu Nos Espera that you were looking for.

If you've been searching for the lyrics of the song O Céu Nos Espera by Samuel Mariano for a long time, start warming up your voice, because you won't be able to stop singing it.

Do you love the song O Céu Nos Espera? Can't quite understand what it says? Need the lyrics of O Céu Nos Espera by Samuel Mariano? You are in the place that has the answers to your desires.

Este céu que você vê vai se abrir
E cristo nele aparecerá
O soar da trombeta vamos ouvir, e a nossa nova história começará
Os portais do nosso céu se abrirão, e em glória o Santo Espirito nos levará
Antes os que morreram em Cristo, ressuscitarão.
Imagine que alegria para os salvos será

O céu nos espera, Aleluia!
Tudo está pronto para nos receber
O céu nos espera Aleluia!
Te alegra pois este dia está perto de acontecer

Em ruas calçadas de ouro andaremos, não mais a morte nos assustará
Cadeias, hospitais cemitérios lá não existirão
Pois a morte, o ódio e a doença, lá não podem entrar
A igreja formará um lindo coral
E um hino de louvor entoarão
Te alegra pois este dia bem perto está
De entrar-mos na nossa Ceslestial Mansão

The most common reason to want to know the lyrics of O Céu Nos Espera is that you really like it. Obvious, right?

Knowing what the lyrics of O Céu Nos Espera say allows us to put more feeling into the performance.

If your motivation for searching for the lyrics of the song O Céu Nos Espera was that you absolutely love it, we hope you can enjoy singing it.

Feel like a star singing the song O Céu Nos Espera by Samuel Mariano, even if your audience is just your two cats.

In case your search for the lyrics of the song O Céu Nos Espera by Samuel Mariano is because it makes you think of someone in particular, we suggest you dedicate it to them somehow, for example, by sending them the link to this website, they'll surely get the hint.

It's important to note that Samuel Mariano, in live concerts, has not always been or will be faithful to the lyrics of the song O Céu Nos Espera... So it's better to focus on what the song O Céu Nos Espera says on the record.