Lyrics of 'Mulheres Corajosas' by Samuel Mariano

On our website, we have the complete lyrics of the song Mulheres Corajosas that you were looking for.

Do you love the song Mulheres Corajosas? Can't quite understand what it says? Need the lyrics of Mulheres Corajosas by Samuel Mariano? You are in the place that has the answers to your desires.

Existe um grupo de mulheres corajosas
Que estão sempre dispostas, pra com joelho trabalhar
Não marcam tempo, dia horas nem minuto
Mas estão sempre no intuito de ao grande Deus buscar
Eu to falando é do circulo de oração
Mulheres cheias de unção
Que estão sempre a orar
Demônios corre, problemas são resolvidos e crentes são socorridos
Pelo Senhor Jeová

Muitos a chamam enfermeiras da igreja
Pois estão sempre na peleja para vidas salvar
Quando elas oram as doenças vão embora
E entre elas se ouve glória ao médico exemplar
O fogo entre elas não se apaga
O santo espírito não se afasta, e continua a operar
É profecia, as fieis revelações é através das orações
Que Deus continua a falar
Oh amadas irmãs continuem orando aos pés de Cristo
Chorando, pois ele não os esqueceu
Vocês são as colunas as colunas escondidas
Esse é o circulo de Oração das Assembléias de Deus

When we really like a song, as might be your case with Mulheres Corajosas by Samuel Mariano, we wish to be able to sing it knowing the lyrics well.

Feel like a star singing the song Mulheres Corajosas by Samuel Mariano, even if your audience is just your two cats.

A very common reason to search for the lyrics of Mulheres Corajosas is the fact that you want to know them well because they make you think of a special person or situation.

In case your search for the lyrics of the song Mulheres Corajosas by Samuel Mariano is because it makes you think of someone in particular, we suggest you dedicate it to them somehow, for example, by sending them the link to this website, they'll surely get the hint.

Are you arguing with your partner because you understand different things when you listen to Mulheres Corajosas? Having the lyrics of the song Mulheres Corajosas by Samuel Mariano at hand can settle many disputes, and we hope that it will.

It's important to note that Samuel Mariano, in live concerts, has not always been or will be faithful to the lyrics of the song Mulheres Corajosas... So it's better to focus on what the song Mulheres Corajosas says on the record.

We hope we have helped you with the lyrics of the song Mulheres Corajosas by Samuel Mariano.

Learn the lyrics of the songs you like, like Mulheres Corajosas by Samuel Mariano, whether it's to sing them in the shower, make your covers, dedicate them to someone, or win a bet.