Lyrics of 'I Left My Heart At The Stage Door Canteen' by Sammy Kaye

Do you love the song I Left My Heart At The Stage Door Canteen? Can't quite understand what it says? Need the lyrics of I Left My Heart At The Stage Door Canteen by Sammy Kaye? You are in the place that has the answers to your desires.

I left my heart at the stage door canteen

[Musical interlude]

This cute story of Army life romance by Don Cornell

I left my heart at the stage door canteen
I left it there with a girl named Eileen

I kept her serving doughnuts
?Til all she had were gone

I sat there dunking doughnuts
?Til she caught on

I must go back to the Army routine
And every doughboy
Knows what that will mean

A soldier boy without a heart
Has two strikes on him from the start
And my heart's at the stage door canteen

When we really like a song, as might be your case with I Left My Heart At The Stage Door Canteen by Sammy Kaye, we wish to be able to sing it knowing the lyrics well.

If your motivation for searching for the lyrics of the song I Left My Heart At The Stage Door Canteen was that you absolutely love it, we hope you can enjoy singing it.

Are you arguing with your partner because you understand different things when you listen to I Left My Heart At The Stage Door Canteen? Having the lyrics of the song I Left My Heart At The Stage Door Canteen by Sammy Kaye at hand can settle many disputes, and we hope that it will.

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