Lyrics of 'Aquário' by Karin Hils

Do you want to know the lyrics of Aquário by Karin Hils? You're in the right place.

On our website, we have the complete lyrics of the song Aquário that you were looking for.

Do you love the song Aquário? Can't quite understand what it says? Need the lyrics of Aquário by Karin Hils? You are in the place that has the answers to your desires.

Quando a lua dominar o céu
E Júpiter chegar em marte
A paz há de lavar o mundo
O amor vai derramar
Na madrugada dessa era de aquário
A era de aquário

Harmonia e entendimento
Simpatia e confiança
É o fim da hipocrisia
Tantos sonhos de alegria
Olhos cheios de esperança
E o amor que não se cansa

Quando a lua dominar o céu
E Júpiter chegar em marte
A paz há de lavar o mundo
O amor vai derramar
Na madrugada dessa era de aquário
A era de aquário

Harmonia e entendimento
Simpatia e confiança
É o fim da hipocrisia
Tantos sonhos de alegria
Olhos cheios de esperança
E um amor que não se cansa

The most common reason to want to know the lyrics of Aquário is that you really like it. Obvious, right?

Knowing what the lyrics of Aquário say allows us to put more feeling into the performance.

If your motivation for searching for the lyrics of the song Aquário was that you absolutely love it, we hope you can enjoy singing it.

Feel like a star singing the song Aquário by Karin Hils, even if your audience is just your two cats.

Something that happens more often than we think is that people search for the lyrics of Aquário because there is some word in the song they don't quite understand and want to make sure of what it says.

Are you arguing with your partner because you understand different things when you listen to Aquário? Having the lyrics of the song Aquário by Karin Hils at hand can settle many disputes, and we hope that it will.

We hope we have helped you with the lyrics of the song Aquário by Karin Hils.

On this page, you have at your disposal hundreds of song lyrics, like Aquário by Karin Hils.

Remember that whenever you need to know the lyrics of a song, you can always turn to us, as has happened now with the lyrics of the song Aquário by Karin Hils.