Lyrics of 'Que Seas Feliz' by Fievre Looka

Do you want to know the lyrics of Que Seas Feliz by Fievre Looka? You're in the right place.

On our website, we have the complete lyrics of the song Que Seas Feliz that you were looking for.

Que Seas Feliz is a song by Fievre Looka whose lyrics have countless searches, so we decided it deserves its place on this website, along with many other song lyrics that internet users want to know.

Do you love the song Que Seas Feliz? Can't quite understand what it says? Need the lyrics of Que Seas Feliz by Fievre Looka? You are in the place that has the answers to your desires.

No te preocupes
Aunque me duela
Sé bien
Que no puedo
Cambiar el destino
Sé que las cosas
No marcharon

Y en este adiós
Hoy te voy
A perder
No te preocupes
Si no hay amor
No te voy a pedir
Que te quedes
No quiero ser
Quien te haga
Solo deseo
Que seas feliz

Que seas feliz
Que cada paso
Que des tu camino
Se cubra de rosas
Que cada día
Te sonría la vida
Que no te cause
El destino
Una herida

Que seas feliz
Que la tristeza
No llene tu alma
Cuando me recuerdes
No sientas lastima
Y pena por mi
Yo rezaré
Cada día
Por ti

No te preocupes
Si no hay amor
No te voy a pedir
Que te quedes
No quiero ser
Quien te haga
Solo deseo
Que seas feliz

Que seas feliz
Que cada paso
Que des tu camino
Se cubra de rosas
Que cada día
Te sonría la vida
Que no te cause
El destino
Una herida

Que seas feliz
Que la tristeza
No llene tu alma
Cuando me recuerdes
No sientas lastima
Y pena por mi
Le pediré
A Dios
Que cuide de ti
Y encuentres
Quien te quiera

There are many reasons to want to know the lyrics of Que Seas Feliz by Fievre Looka.

When we really like a song, as might be your case with Que Seas Feliz by Fievre Looka, we wish to be able to sing it knowing the lyrics well.

If your motivation for searching for the lyrics of the song Que Seas Feliz was that you absolutely love it, we hope you can enjoy singing it.

Feel like a star singing the song Que Seas Feliz by Fievre Looka, even if your audience is just your two cats.

A very common reason to search for the lyrics of Que Seas Feliz is the fact that you want to know them well because they make you think of a special person or situation.

In case your search for the lyrics of the song Que Seas Feliz by Fievre Looka is because it makes you think of someone in particular, we suggest you dedicate it to them somehow, for example, by sending them the link to this website, they'll surely get the hint.

It's important to note that Fievre Looka, in live concerts, has not always been or will be faithful to the lyrics of the song Que Seas Feliz... So it's better to focus on what the song Que Seas Feliz says on the record.

Remember that whenever you need to know the lyrics of a song, you can always turn to us, as has happened now with the lyrics of the song Que Seas Feliz by Fievre Looka.