Lyrics of 'Beat The Bastards' by The Exploited

Do you want to know the lyrics of Beat The Bastards by The Exploited? You're in the right place.

Beat The Bastards is a song by The Exploited whose lyrics have countless searches, so we decided it deserves its place on this website, along with many other song lyrics that internet users want to know.

Do you love the song Beat The Bastards? Can't quite understand what it says? Need the lyrics of Beat The Bastards by The Exploited? You are in the place that has the answers to your desires.

Slaves to the system, there's no way out
Slaves to the system, do you have a shout?
You've got to beat the bastards, beat 'em now!
Sick of policies puting me down

Beat the bastards, beat 'em now
Beat the bastards, beat 'em now
Beat the bastards, beat 'em now

Just out of school, don't have a clue
No income support for you
Can't get a job, don't get a chance
Sick of politics leaving me out

Beat the bastards, beat 'em now
Beat the bastards, beat 'em now
Beat the bastards, beat 'em now

Money, money, power and streight
Teenage kids with nothing to spend
Hungry homeless, who gives a shit?
Sick of policies leaving me out

Beat the bastards, beat 'em now
Beat the bastards, beat 'em now
Beat the bastards, beat 'em now

You've got to beat the bastards, beat the bastards,
Beat the bastards, you've got to beat the bastards,
Beat the bastards, you've got to beat the bastards,
You've got to beat the bastards,
You've got to beat the bastards, beat the bastards

Slaves to the system, there's no way out
Slaves to the system, do you have a shout?
You've got to beat the bastards, beat 'em now!
Sick of policies puting me down

Beat the bastards, beat 'em now
Beat the bastards, beat 'em now
Beat the bastards, beat 'em now

There are many reasons to want to know the lyrics of Beat The Bastards by The Exploited.

In case your search for the lyrics of the song Beat The Bastards by The Exploited is because it makes you think of someone in particular, we suggest you dedicate it to them somehow, for example, by sending them the link to this website, they'll surely get the hint.

Something that happens more often than we think is that people search for the lyrics of Beat The Bastards because there is some word in the song they don't quite understand and want to make sure of what it says.

Are you arguing with your partner because you understand different things when you listen to Beat The Bastards? Having the lyrics of the song Beat The Bastards by The Exploited at hand can settle many disputes, and we hope that it will.

On this page, you have at your disposal hundreds of song lyrics, like Beat The Bastards by The Exploited.

Remember that whenever you need to know the lyrics of a song, you can always turn to us, as has happened now with the lyrics of the song Beat The Bastards by The Exploited.