Lyrics of 'Tin (The Manhole)' by Everything Everything

Do you want to know the lyrics of Tin (The Manhole) by Everything Everything? You're in the right place.

Tin (The Manhole) is a song by Everything Everything whose lyrics have countless searches, so we decided it deserves its place on this website, along with many other song lyrics that internet users want to know.

If you've been searching for the lyrics of the song Tin (The Manhole) by Everything Everything for a long time, start warming up your voice, because you won't be able to stop singing it.

I'll be the fox by the road I am
Enormous and evolved.
A predatory mass, in the dark I am unseen
Me dripping oil from my tail and
My eyes are through the fumes
Yellow as the arc of imagined LEDs.

I leave a path in the snow little
Rainbow diesel paws
I devour the smoke
That erupts from all exhaust.
I make a dash for the median
There's a banshee searing past
And everything is light and
It's noise and I reach the grass.

My eyes are wide and my teeth dropping
Straight out of my skull
They clatter on the road
Anatomically displayed.
I am as lithe as a vine as I
Whisper up the verge
And I am almost up to
The shoulders of a horse.

Little Sea Anemone, pool of rocks
Why'd you see, an enemy I cannot?
Could there be, a more heavenly artifact?
As pure as that?

I sleep a while in the dark of a
Warehouse by the sea
I am now as giant as the sun I used to love.
My limbs are shoots springing forth I am
Impossible and black, and I can feel
The gravity rushing into me.

I feel a pull on my fur and a
A hundred tiny hands
I can feel the men and the women clamber on.
They will embrace me tonight as a
A father and a son, and
I will carry homo-sapiens through the night.

I can not imagine the things they did to you.

I cannot imagine the way it feels for you.

I can feel the gravity rushing into me.

I am but a hole in the fabric of the scene.

I was but a drop in the ocean all along.

When we really like a song, as might be your case with Tin (The Manhole) by Everything Everything, we wish to be able to sing it knowing the lyrics well.

Feel like a star singing the song Tin (The Manhole) by Everything Everything, even if your audience is just your two cats.

In case your search for the lyrics of the song Tin (The Manhole) by Everything Everything is because it makes you think of someone in particular, we suggest you dedicate it to them somehow, for example, by sending them the link to this website, they'll surely get the hint.

Something that happens more often than we think is that people search for the lyrics of Tin (The Manhole) because there is some word in the song they don't quite understand and want to make sure of what it says.

We hope we have helped you with the lyrics of the song Tin (The Manhole) by Everything Everything.

On this page, you have at your disposal hundreds of song lyrics, like Tin (The Manhole) by Everything Everything.

Learn the lyrics of the songs you like, like Tin (The Manhole) by Everything Everything, whether it's to sing them in the shower, make your covers, dedicate them to someone, or win a bet.